  Public Ticket #3356843


  •  8
    shimamura started the conversation



    Let me ask you a question about STRIPE CONNECT.

    Based on this page.

    Stripe should I get the test client ID and live client ID?
    can't find.


    Please tell me the vendor registration screen and product registration explanation page

    best regard

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin:

    To get the LIVE/TEST Client IDs for Stripe Connect: 

    1) Login to https://dashboard.stripe.com/dashboard

    2) Click on https://prnt.sc/mDvQMKrZ7r-9

    3) Click on https://prnt.sc/X0HCzUJLVSxF

    4) Scroll down the page, and here you can find the live or test more client ID: https://prnt.sc/12PlktL-4ZsA

    5) You can switch between TEST/ LIVE by clicking here: https://prnt.sc/E23yHbMiUrq5

    Regarding registration, I am not sure if I understand. You can setup registration by going to MarketKing -> Settings -> Registration. We have a guide here about it: https://woocommerce-multivendor.com/docs/vendor-registration-approval/

    You can choose to use a separate page or add it to My Account:


    Kind regards,


  •  8
    shimamura replied

    thank you for your help.

    I have applied to Stripe for permission to use Stripe conect.

    I didn't know i needed permission

    Is permission also required for the vendor's Stripe account too?

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    I believe that yes, each vendor will need to register with Stripe (provide ID, documents etc), and only then will be able to sell via Stripe Connect.

  •  8
    shimamura replied

    I don't think it makes sense

    Platforms need to create a stripe account.
    and Application for STRIPE CONNECT must be made to Stripe.

    Vendor only needs to create a Stripe account. No need to apply for stripe connect.

    Do you meet with this way of thinking?

    another question
    Can platform users also register as Vendor?

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Yes, Vendors would only need a Stripe account, not to apply to Stripe Connect themselves. Sorry, I probably did not express myself clearly enough.

    Regarding registration, do you mean if existing users (customers) can apply for a vendor account? This is possible if you enable this setting:


    (Existing Users Can Apply) in MarketKing -> Settings -> Registration.

  •  8
    shimamura replied


    It seems to have worked.

    Another question.
    About the comminssion.

    Changed comminssion to percentage 10%.

    I tested it and found that if you sell a product for 100 yen, you will get a 90 yen commission.
    It was displayed on the dashboard when it took.

    Is this my translation error?

    Attached files:  screenshot.65.jpg

  •  8
    shimamura replied

    another quation

    I want to set different shipping rates for each vendor
    Are there such modules?

    If there is, please point me to the explanation page.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi again!


    "Changed comminssion to percentage 10%.

    I tested it and found that if you sell a product for 100 yen, you will get a 90 yen commission. It was displayed on the dashboard when it took."

    This is for the the admin's commission:


    So if you set it to 10%, it means the admin will get 10% and the vendor will get 90%.

    (2) Regarding shipping, you can enable 'Advanced Shipping' in MarketKing -> Modules:


    More info at https://woocommerce-multivendor.com/docs/advanced-shipping-module/

    Each vendor can then configure shipping methods in the vendor dashboard -> Settings -> Shipping:


  •  8
    shimamura replied


    Does this mean that the vendor can get 90 yen?

    Of course Stripe's fee will be deducted after this

    Attached files:  screenshot.66_339.jpg

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    In your example, yes, the vendor would get 90 yen.

    (order total = 100 yen, vendor = 90 yen, admin = 10 yen).