  Public Ticket #3373279
payment button not working


  • xiandan98 started the conversation

    I tried to pay the proxy user in the test website, and found some problems. If the proxy user has been paid before, then we will not work again when we click the payment button again. Only the first time a payment is made to the agent the button works fine, once there has ever been a payment then the payment button doesn't work anymore. Also contains the adjust button below and the download button also doesn't work anymore,

    Check, please

    Attached files:  Screenshot_2460.png

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Thank you for bringing it to our attention!

    I looked into it and I believe IĀ found the issue there - I have updated the demo, and will also release a plugin update shortly with the fix,

    If you see any further issues or anything I can help with, please let me know.

    Kind regards,
