  Public Ticket #3383137
Min/Max Qty by variant ?


  • HelpDesk started the conversation


    The ability to specify different minimum and maximum quantity limits per product's variation is critical for us, especially give we are trying to integrate our b2b and b2c sites. 

    For example,

    We have items that come in 3 different sizes and those sizes are variants of a product. So, all the customer needs to do is select from the dropdown to select the correct size they're after, but we need each item to have its own min/max or minimum order quantity.   

    Can this be done?

    Thank You


    (LifestyleB HelpDesk)

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Theodore,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin!

    Yes, this is possible if you configure the minimum/maximum/step via dynamic rules created in B2BKing -> Dynamic Rules.

    Here you can choose specific variations under 'select products & categories':


    (this is only configurable via the rules page at the moment).

    Let me know if I can help with anything, or if you have any questions,

    Kind regards,
