  Public Ticket #3391646
Automatic Store URL after .com


  •  11
    Ryan Dwyer started the conversation

    Is there a way to automatically cause a Vendor Group to cause their store urls to be at the end of the .com on a website? 


  •  2,167
    WebWizards replied


    For each vendor, when you edit the vendor you can do this by enabling this checkbox: https://prnt.sc/epAVlQN2LJAF

    It would give the vendor a store url such as yoursite.com/store

    There's no way to add this by vendor group (it can be only enabled manually for each vendor). It may be dangerous to allow this by vendor group automatically - we would be concerned about what would happen if a vendor registered with a store name such as 'checkout', 'cart', or any other site page. It could potentially hijack the pages, so we feel this is best handled manually for each vendor.

    Kind regards,
