  Public Ticket #3393261
Geteilte Mengen


  • Marcel Böllersen started the conversation

    Hallo, wir benötigen B2B und B2C. Gleichzeitig verkaufen wir Artikel mit geteilten Mengen. Also 1,3kg oder 2,8kg. Können Sie mir sagen ob und in welcher Kombination mit einem anderen PlugIn das mit Ihrem PlugIn möglich ist? Ich habe schon viel ausprobiert, aber leider arbeiten die meisten B2B PlugIns nicht mit PlugIns zusammen die bei den Mengen der Artikeln Dezimalstellen benutzen können.

    vielen dank

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Marcel,

    Thank you for getting in touch,

    We have had cases where customers use these types of plugins for decimal quantities. Indeed they can create issues sometimes, although we can usually find a workaround or solution.

    Could you tell me more about what specific features you are looking to use in B2BKing? are you trying to use any specific pricing or discount features? And have you looked at any specific decimal quantity plugin or do you have a scenario or example that you need to make work?

    I can check it and get back to you with more details. It's hard for me to give a generic answer to say if it's compatible or not: It will depend on the specific situation and what you are trying to achieve.

    Kind regards,


  • Marcel Böllersen replied

    Hello Stefan,

    many thanks for the quick response.
    We sell nuts by kg, customer can then buy 1.5kg of nuts.
    For this we use the PlugIn Measurement Price Calculator.
    This plug-in simulates the system that 1.5 kg of nuts are not 1.5 x 1 kg of nuts, but it says: now I have 1x item that consists of 1.5 kg of nuts. With that, Whoocomerce can continue to work with it, since the article now passed has an integer as the article quantity again.
    This works well for our needs.
    Now we have resellers.
    For resellers we would like to offer B2B prices.
    Just as your plugin probably solves it well.
    So we have normal items and items that are sold as "bulk" items in the shop. (These items also have variations).
    I've tried a few B2B plugins and they all fail because of the problem. Normal articles are well displayed, i.e. reduced dealer prices and that in net. If a B2B customer has articles with "quantities" information, e.g. 1.5 kg, then chaos always arises in the backend. In the best case, the shop then displays B2C prices, in the worst case, only code salad appears.
    Since B2B customers are becoming more and more important to us, I have to solve the problem.
    What do we need
    Basically, we only need customer groups to award B2B and B2C prizes. Possibly 2x B2B and 1x B2C groups.
    B2B prices are not given as a percentage but are given directly for each item.
    Based on this, the templates for the delivery note and invoice should also look different.
    And all of this has to work with the items that we sell with decimal quantities.
    All this with inventory management.

    I hope I was able to explain.
    Unfortunately, I'm not that good in English and have to work with a translator.

    best regards


  •   WebWizards replied privately