Yesterday, I purchased a plugin, believing it was the one I needed, only to realize it wasn't the right one. I actually needed the SalesKing Plugin. Could you please assist me in obtaining a refund for the $139 I spent?
I checked the purchase in question - I see the subscription has been cancelled and the purchase has already been refunded. You should receive the funds within a few business days (if you have not received it already).
If there's anything else I can help with regarding this, please let me know.
Yesterday, I purchased a plugin, believing it was the one I needed, only to realize it wasn't the right one. I actually needed the SalesKing Plugin. Could you please assist me in obtaining a refund for the $139 I spent?
Hi Alexander,
Thank you for purchasing,
I checked the purchase in question - I see the subscription has been cancelled and the purchase has already been refunded. You should receive the funds within a few business days (if you have not received it already).
If there's anything else I can help with regarding this, please let me know.
Kind regards,