  Public Ticket #3398358
Quote to order


  • Kirti started the conversation

    How can we convert a quote to order ?

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    If a customer sends you a quote request, you can go to B2BKing -> Conversations, open the request and click on 'Make Offer': https://prnt.sc/Y7CcTjpR7quI

    There you can send the customer an offer - the customer can purchase the offer (add it to cart and checkout) or reply with a message (for example to negotiate). The customer will also be notified of the offer by email.

    Kind regards,


  • Kirti replied

    When the customer is purchasing the product from email it will redirect to page not found is there any solution?


    when customer clicks on Go to offers it will redirect to :  https://moovecreative.com/my-account-2/offers this link

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Kirti,

    I think there may be a misconfiguration of your my account page. I say that because I see the link goes to /my-account-2/, but on your site you also have /my-account/. I believe /my-account/ is actually your main page.

    Please try to go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced and select the my account page here: (my-account instead of my-account-2):


    (after you make the change, if you send a new offer, the link in the new offer email should go to my-account/offers)

    Or if you'd like, I can also look into that issue directly. For that, I would need a backend login to the site, or to a staging clone site so I can check it,

    Kind regards,
