  Public Ticket #3405339
b2b registration redirects to b2c one


  •  3
    Grzegorz started the conversation

    I have a separate page for b2b registration with apriopriate shorcode [b2bking_b2b_registration].
    When I open registration page https://sklep.inmedical.pl/rejestracja-b2b/ I can see a b2b form for a sec. and than i changes to b2c form.

    Is there an option that I checked by mistake or why does it happen?

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Grzegorz,

    I checked your site - it seems there is some custom CSS on your site hiding the B2B area.

    I believe you can follow these steps to solve it:

    (1) In B2BKing -> Settings -> Registration disable this setting:


    (2) In B2BKing -> Registration Roles, disable all roles except the B2B one.

    Kind regards,


  •  3
    Grzegorz replied

    You were right about the css. 

    I did as you wrote and for B2B users the billing checkout page seems to be the woocommerce default one. Is there on option for it to be the same form as the registration one?

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    On the checkout page, our plugin cannot modify the existing billing fields - those are standard WooCommerce fields so we do not modify that area.

    Our plugin can add custom additional fields (below the standard ones), but cannot modify the default ones.

  •  3
    Grzegorz replied

    I don't want to modify existing fileds.
    The problem is I do not see custom b2bking fields at the checkout page. The fileds at checkout has different names than these at the registrations page.

    Is the chcecout form different from the one at the registration page?

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    The checkout form and registration form are different, because at checkout many fields are added by WooCommerce directly.

    The "company name" (nazwa firmy) field there is a WooCommerce field, so our plugin cannot edit it.

    If you create a custom B2BKing field, when you edit that field you can scroll down and enable the "add custom field to billing" checkbox:


    Such custom fields are added to the end of the checkout page:
