  Public Ticket #3412005


  •  6
    Wolfgang started the conversation

     Here's what happens:

    A product actually costs €52. But we have an offer at the moment and it costs only 46,- €. If a customer goes to our site and does not log in, he sees the 46,- €. If he now logs in to his customer account to get his discount, the discount is calculated from the higher price , so from the 52,- €. How can I correct this?

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Wolfgang,

    Is the $46 set as a sale price on the product page? and is the discount configured through a dynamic rule?

    If so, please try to add this PHP code snippet to your site:


    This snippet makes discount rules start with the sale price (46) instead of the regular price (52).

    A PHP snippet can be added to functions.php, or by following our guide here: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-add-a-snippet-php-or-js/

    Kind regards,


  •  6
    Wolfgang replied

    Hello and thanks!

    It did ensure that the offer price is now used as the price and not the list price, but at the order button the offer price is now displayed. For a registered customer with 3% customer discount, however, the offer price minus 3% should be displayed.
    Example:   https://audiosaul.de/produkt/furutech-dps-4-1-d-u-c-c-stromkabel-meterware/

    52,- € = normal price,  46,- € = offer price, 44,62 € = price for registered customer.

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you for the details - I am not 100% sure I understand your setup correctly, so I would like to see the exact pricing if possible.

    Can you please share screenshots with:

    (A) the product page pricing



    (B) all your discount dynamic rules details?

    Or if you can share a backend login to the site or staging site I can also check everything directly,

    Thank you,

  •  6
    Wolfgang replied

    Hello - and I think now I understand the problem.
    I can set the price on each product individually - for each customer group. I have tried it and it works!
    But - is it so comfortable?
    If I can set a dynamic rule - so here "every registered customer gets 3% discount" - then the currently valid offer price must be automatically taken into account, right? So now I have to enter the prices individually for each product. Why do I need dynamic rules then? Or have I not understood something again? Greeting! Wolfgang

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    With the snippet I previously shared, the discount dynamic rule should start with the product's sale price.

    For example:

    I have this product with a regular price 52, sale price 46


    Then I create a dynamic rule for a 3% discount:


    The product's price appears as 44.62:


    Is this what you're looking to setup but it's not working that way for you? Or are you looking for something else?

  •  6
    Wolfgang replied


    Yes, that is exactly what I want to achieve and that is exactly how I set it up. But. If I do not enter the discount price individually with the product (your last tip), then it does not work!
    I'll be very happy to give you admin access so you can take a look. Give me an email address where I can send the access data.

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    But. If I do not enter the discount price individually with the product (your last tip), then it does not work!

    If you do not enter it on the product page, how do you enter it? With another dynamic rule? 

    If so, that is the problem, because the plugin cannot make 2 dynamic rules discounts work on top of each other! 

    Only 1 dynamic rule discount can work at a time. The plugin will use the rule with the highest priority: https://prnt.sc/L4kX_lni5TgO

  •  6
    Wolfgang replied

    I think it will be much easier for you if you can take a look at it.
    Before this request - there was only the dynamic rule and for some products there was a normal price and an offer price. But in the constellation there was the problem described at the beginning. Then you told me to enter the offer price for the product for the affected customer group. I did that and that also solves the problem. But it also means that I now have to do this for every single product with a quoted price. It's not a lot of work, but a lot of mistakes can happen with this method. That's why I want to use automatic rules. If there is only one list price, that works as well. The correct price is displayed to the customer group. But if there is an offer price, it does not work automatically.

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    If you need to have like this, 2 discounts: 1 general discount + 1 specific customer discount, using a product 'sale price' is indeed probably the best option - because our plugin cannot otherwise make 2 dynamic rules work together.

    We can also take a look and review your configuration if you'd like - for that we would need a backend login to the site or a staging clone site,

  •  6
    Wolfgang replied

    Well, if that's the case, then you've already given me the explanation that it doesn't work that way.

    I will solve it then probably in such a way:
    1) Customer group discounts are not possible in addition to special offers.
    2) If the customer group discount is to apply in addition to the special offer, then I will work with an offer price that I enter in the product itself.

    Maybe the solution is even better than what I initially had in mind. Thanks for the support!