  Public Ticket #3413849
Vendor Email


  •  2
    Imad started the conversation


    How do I create an email address for Vendors?


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Imad,

    I'm not sure if I understand correctly:

    Do you want to give each vendor an email address on your website such as [email protected] , so that each vendor can use this shop email to talk with customers?

    There is no feature for that in our plugin yet. You could create an email manually for each vendor via hosting settings and give them the username and password,

    Kind regards,


  •  2
    Imad replied

    Thanks for your Answer, 

    I mean. Woocommerce settings Email, i want to be email just for Vendors - example ([email protected]). 

    other email just for clients.

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Each vendor can configure their own email here:


    They will receive orders, messages, notifications at the email they configure here.

    I am not sure how a general [email protected] email would work? All vendors would use the same email?

  •  2
    Imad replied

    I want in woocommerce a seperate Email:

    for Vendor

    for normal client

    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 13.42.46.png

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you for clarifying,

    We don't have any way in the plugin to set a different email there for vendors unfortunately.