  Public Ticket #3419993
I can't separate the registration form and the My Account page for B2B and B2C roles


  •  4
    Mar started the conversation

    I can't separate the registration form and the My Account page for B2B and B2C roles

    I've created a B2B form but it's not showing up, I've customized fields for this specific role, but these fields aren't showing up.

    I failed to separate B2B and B2C My account page.

    Please, can you help me?

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin!

    I went to the page that you linked here: https://blisscare-lab.com/registro-b2b/ I am able to see the registration fields:


    Do you have some cache on your site? maybe it needed to clear for these fields to show and the page to refresh,

    I believe you already followed our guide here? https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-completely-separate-b2b-and-b2c-registration-in-woocommerce-with-b2bking/

    We can look into it directly on your site if you'd like, and we can do the setup as you instruct us. For that, we would just need a backend login to the site or a staging clone site,

    Kind regards,


  •   Mar replied privately
  •  4
    Mar replied

    Hello Stefano!

    I haven't news from you. Can you help me, please?

    I wait your answer. 

  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •   Mar replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •   Mar replied privately
  •  4
    Mar replied


    Hello Stefano!
    Can you confirm that you can access the backend?

    I need to disable "Separate my account page for B2B" in the settings because otherwise I can't access the "my account" page to design it and I need to continue with my web project tasks.

    Please, when you can log in to the backend, reconfigure the separate "my account" page for B2B and B2C role, so that each role has their own "registration form" and "my account" page tailored to their needs.

    I look forward to your comments as soon as possible.
    Thank you!

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you, that worked.

    I have configured the pages here:

    B2C My Account: https://blisscare-lab.com/mi-cuenta/

    B2B My Account: https://blisscare-lab.com/mi-cuenta-b2b/

    Let me know if you need any changes or help,

  •  4
    Mar replied

    Hi, Stefano!!

    I am very happy with your help, I saw the 2 registration pages for each client role. Thank you so much!

    But now, I have other queries. I ask you:

    1- Is it possible to use a separator title between each of the information areas? I want to separate each area with text, for example:
    - Contact information
    - Company information
    - Shipping Address
    - Shipping Address
    - Attached files

    2- Is it possible to add a conditional field to enter the shipping address, just in case it is not the same as the billing address? (I haven't found this option either)

    3- I need to enter a GDPR selector field in the form records. How can I do it?

    I look forward to your comments as soon as possible.
    Thank you!

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    (1) I added a code snippet to your site here https://blisscare-lab.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=edit-snippet&id=5 that adds separator titles.

    You can now see:


    To translate / edit, go to the above code snippet.

    (2) This is not really possible unfortunately, our registration form does not have conditional fields. For this, you would need to work with a special Form Builder plugin that supports conditional fields.

    (3) Do you mean like a Checkbox? like "I accept my information to be processed according to GDPR..."? Or how would it look like?

  •  4
    Mar replied

    Good morning Stefano!

    I'm very happy! Thanks for your help with the title separators. you are big!!

    For the second question, this feature (conditional fields) is very interesting to avoid very long registration forms. I hope the WebWizards team will incorporate it in future updates. (Crossmyfingers)

    On the third question... Yes, I need a checkbox. Now, I know this option exists, but when I put the text with commas, the plugin separates it into tags. This is not the perfect solution. Do you have a better solution?

    I have a new question... I have a global header and footer and another header and footer version just for the B2B registry role. But, this last option does not work when the B2B user accesses his account. 

    Can you help me please?

    Thanks for your time,

  •  4
  •  4
    Mar replied

    Hello Stefano!

    I wrote two days ago... Are you okay? I haven't news from you.

    I am waiting for your answer. Can you help me please?

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi again!

    "On the third question... Yes, I need a checkbox. Now, I know this option exists, but when I put the text with commas, the plugin separates it into tags. This is not the perfect solution. Do you have a better solution?"

    I have added an additional checkbox to the B2B registration:


    You can edit and configure it here: https://blisscare-lab.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=224685&action=edit

    The link can be set here: 


    "I have a new question... I have a global header and footer and another header and footer version just for the B2B registry role. But, this last option does not work when the B2B user accesses his account. "

    I am not sure what this is here in the screenshot, I am not very experience with Divi, but it is not for setting a different footer based on the user's role:


    This appears to be a different option where you can set something for a post, role, product, etc, it is not for user roles.

    My suggestion is the following:

    If you can edit the site header / footer, and in the same footer have both the B2C and B2B one, I can hide one of them for the respective user with CSS. 

    If you can set it like this:


    I can add some code to hide the B2B footer for b2c users, and hide the B2C footer for b2b users. 

    Kind regards,


  •  4
    Mar replied

    Good morning, Stefano; 

    Thank you very much for your GDPR solution! you are big! But now, I need the GRPD terms to also appear on the registration form for the B2C role.
    How can I do it? ... I didn't find the option to customize the fields of the registration form for the B2C role.

    2nd problem:  What you ask is not possible, because I have to keep the custom header & footer per B2B and B2C role in separate Theme Builder templates. The solution that you propose to build them on the same page will affect the programming and functionality of other areas.


    Divi modules allow you to create display conditionals by roles, the problem is that I can only see the native WordPress roles. The roles created by B2B King do not appear in this list (attached screenshot)


    I think the solution could be there. What comes to your mind?

    I await your reply, ASAP.
    Thank you!

    Attached files:  Captura de pantalla 2023-08-04 a les 9.56.39.png
      Captura de pantalla 2023-08-04 a les 9.57.10.png
      Captura de pantalla 2023-08-04 a les 9.56.54.png
      Captura de pantalla 2023-08-04 a les 9.55.11.png

  •  4
    Mar replied

    I have another question... Can you recommend a plugin to customize the layout of the "my account" page? I need to add endpoints.

    Now, I am working with the Divi BodyCommerce plugin from the Divi Engine company, but I'm not happy.
    Do you know a good plugin to customize Woocommerce page layouts?


  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi again!

    1) It is possible to sync B2BKing groups with roles by following our guide here: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-use-wp-roles-with-b2bking/ 

    After following that the plugin will try to constantly keep those in sync, so I think it could solve your problem. It will create a WP role for each B2BKing group.

    2) I have added GDPR to the B2C registration as well.

    3) Regarding a My Account customization plugin, we had a good experience with this plugin from YITH:


    It can add custom endpoints and has a nice design in my view,