  Public Ticket #3425471
rule registration


  • ROBERTINO MARCHIORI started the conversation

    on the registration mode,how to request vat number when on the rule to the b2b
    rule (customer) (wholesale)
    up the customer no need vat number
    but the wholesale need the vat number to procedet
    this must to be on the registartion mode
    (in the same time change the list of the price from the product)

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Robertino,

    Thank you for getting in touch,

    (1) In B2BKing, for each field you can control whether it shows for customers, wholesalers, or both. To do that, please go to B2BKing -> Registration Fields , click on each field and select the “registration role”: https://prnt.sc/JXQaIKgeGVfE

    For example in the above image you can see that field is only enabled for wholesalers.

    (2)  Then for each product you can set a different price for customers / wholesalers when you edit the product. For example: https://prnt.sc/OkpT9I73gl5l - here you can see the B2C customer price is $100, whereas the price for wholesalers is $80

    Let me know if I can help with anything, or if you have any questions,

    Kind regards,




    i know that,but is not what i want.

    I don't know if the wholesale is true or not,so i think is better befoure to see the price up on the registration to bee this option,

    Email,password,confirm password,(roule) cusromer-wholesare-mercant), and after only for the wholesale e mercant vat number. Befoure to sign. Like that only if the vat is true is possible to go on the shop and see the price.

    I think is the better solution,becouse if the wholesale maked the registration whitouth vat,he can see the price whit no vat,the same is posible to customer change the option whit not vat and see the wholesale price

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    "vat number. Befoure to sign. Like that only if the vat is true is possible to go on the shop and see the price."

    You can configure this as well.

    You can hide prices or the shop for logged out users. That way logged out users cannot see anything except sign in / register.

    To register, you can require a valid EU VAT number. That way only if the user has a valid VAT they can sign in and see prices.

    "I think is the better solution,becouse if the wholesale maked the registration whitouth vat,he can see the price whit no vat,the same is posible to customer change the option whit not vat and see the wholesale price"

    You could have 2 types of accounts: B2C and B2B, B2C seeing price with VAT, B2B seeing price without VAT.

    It's not possible for customers to change between them - it depends on their account type. The customer first registers, and depending on their account type they will see price with or without VAT.