  Public Ticket #3443333
Subagent creation from wordpress admin


  •  1
    Hamza started the conversation

    Hello, I have couple of questions 

    1. Is there any way to add subagents from the Wordpress admin dashboard, not from agent dashboard. Bcause I want to assign a previously registered user as a subagent.

    2. How can I restrict agent access to specific customers, I try assigning customers but all customers are still showing to that agent.

    3. How to get an agent id?

    4. After configuring B2BKing and salesking shipping addresses option is not available on checkout. Can you please check if I am missing any configurations?

    I have to set the website live on the basis of these queries. Please

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Hamza,

    (1) You can do this by going to SalesKing -> Settings -> Tools and using the "Set users as subagent" tool:


    You would enter user IDs here. You can find the user ID in the URL when you edit a user:


    (2) Make sure to disable this setting:


    This allows all agents to see all customers.

    (3) Do you mean the agent affiliate ID?

    As admin there's currently no way to get it in the backend. I would advise to use a plugin like https://wordpress.org/plugins/login-as-user/ to login as the agent and get it from the agent dashboard.

    In the dashboard it is here:


    (4) Please make sure shipping / payment methods are enabled in B2BKing -> Groups: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-enable-disable-payment-and-shipping-methods-based-on-users-or-groups/

    We can also check things directly if you are able to share a backend login to the site or a staging clone site,

    Kind regards,


  •  1
    Hamza replied

    I have few more questions
    1. Is there any possibility that main agent of a sub-agent can place order for all of the customers of its subagents. (I know We can assign a single agent to all customers but in my case I want multiple Main agent that can place order of their sub-agents)

    2. I want to give a percentage of subagent order to main agent as well. (i.e. 10% for sub-agent & 5% for main agent)

    3. In registration page I am having issue with password field, there is no option to unhide password. (https://yorali.com/admin-user-registration)


    4. Bulk order form in account page is not working (When a customer open it complete websites crashes....Tried deactivating plugins but no solution)


    5. Can we assign a single customer to multiple agents?

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi again,

    (1) Yes, for this please add this PHP code snippet to your site:


    It will make subagent customers available to the main agent.

    (2) You can configure an commission rule like this:


    This gives the main agent 50% of the earnings of the subagent.

    So if the subagent earns $100, the main agent also earns $50.

    (3) This depends on theme styling. You can add this CSS to your site:

    span.password-input {
        position: relative;
    span.show-password-input {
        background: #afafaf;
        width: 100px;
        height: 50px;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0px;
        right: 0px;
    span.show-password-input::before {
        content: "Show / Hide";
        font-size: 13px;
        color: white;
        padding-top: 13px;
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;

    It will add a Show/Hide button:


    (4) Do you already have the latest version of B2BKing Pro? (4.7.10) If not, please make sure to update.

    If you do have 4.7.10 but still experiencing this error, would you be able to share a backend login to the site or a staging clone site, so we can troubleshoot this?

    (5) A customer cannot currently be assigned to multiple agents unfortunately.

    If you would like, you can enable this setting which allows all agents to access all customers: https://prnt.sc/UB0I3i7f3D2d