  Public Ticket #3450847
feature about fields


  • Clara started the conversation


    I wonder if it's possible for admin to fill in some fields for internal control.
    I don't want some fields to be shown for the b2b customer at registration, but I'd still want to see it in the user back end so I can assign some data to that user, for exemple, if it's a lead or an old customer.

    Is that possible?

    Thank you.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Clara,

    Thank you for getting in touch!

    Yes, you can achieve that by creating a field, without selecting any registration role.

    You would create a new field in B2BKing -> Registration Field, choose "select multiple roles" and do not select any of the roles below. For example:


    Then you can manually set that field for users in the admin backend when you edit the user:


    This data would only be visible to you, the admin.

    Let me know if I can help with anything, or if you have any questions,

    Kind regards,


  • Clara replied

    that helped a lot, thank you!!

    I have 2 more questions, should I open new tickets? I can do that.

    1) why can't I download purchase list as pdf? It would be great if the b2b user could download the purchase list as pdf, also with their logo (data from register field) on it.

    2) when admin is creating an offer, why the prices won't come up automatically? why do we have to type in the price? Is there a way to change this?

    Thank you :D

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi again,

    (1) It's currently only possible to download purchase lists as CSV files.

    Offers can however be downloaded as PDFs ( https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/offers-2/ ).

    We may consider adding a PDF option for purchase lists in the future, but it's just not implemented yet.

    (2) When an offer is created, prices should come up automatically. 

    You can see how it works in our demo here : https://demobk2.wpbay.co/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=b2bking_offer

    I took a quick video to show the functionality:


    (for this to work, it's needed to select a simple product, or a variation. If you select a variable product, there is not a single price, which is why a price is not automatically loaded).

    Kind regards,


  • Clara replied

    Hi Stefan,

    thank you so much for your reply.
    I think something wrong is happening with just that part of B2Bking here for us.
    1. the price won't come up like it does on your demo.
    2. every step is taking a very long time to load.
    3. all the products, in all languages, come up in the dropdown. This is making the offer functionality impossible for us... :(


  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Clara,

    Have you already purchased the plugin? If so, kindly please provide us with your license key for the plugin:

    To get your key:

    - If you purchased on KingsPlugins.com - Where is my KingsPlugins license key? 

    - If you purchased on CodeCanyon (Envato/ThemeForest): Where is my Envato purchase code?

    We can look into all issues to see what is happening and troubleshoot. If you can provide a backend login to the site or staging site, that would be great and it allows us to look into it and get things resolved as soon as possible,

    Kind regards,


  •   Clara replied privately
  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Clara,

    Thank you for the access details,

    (1) Regarding increasing prices:

    The plugin has a "Raise Price" dynamic rule:


    You were not seeing that previously because you had an older version of B2BKing Pro (3.9.0). I installed the latest 4.7.36 version on your site. 

    That rule can increase prices starting with the base price. So if the standard base price for a product is $100 and you create a raise price rule for 35% for logged out users, they should see $135.

    (2) Regarding a customization for PDFs there, I'm afraid we're not able to do customizations or custom projects, not even paid work. We have a high workload with our existing plugins, so it's just not feasible for us at the moment. I would suggest requesting a quote from a dedicated customizations company such as https://codeable.io

    (3) Regarding offer prices, probably the issue was the older plugin version, as this is a newer feature. 

    Is that working for you now?

    Kind regards,


  • Clara replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    You really made my day with that raise price rule.
    Offers though seem to gone from bad to worse, now the page goes blank ,after updating,  it doesn't even load. :(

    We are not in need of Offers so much right now but we will do. Do you have any idea of why this is happening just for that part of the plugin? Isn't it weird?

    Thank you!!

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Regarding the blank page, the problem is that there are a large number of products on the site, and the plugin / website / server is timing out when trying to show all of them in the offer list. 

    When I try to create an offer, it loads for me in about 15-20 seconds, it will depend on the computer used as well. I'm not quite sure why this worked for you previously but now is not.

    To solve the issue, you can go to B2BKing -> Settings -> Other, and you can disable this setting:


    It will then ask to the product ID instead of allowing to select the product from a dropdown.