  Public Ticket #3456556
Coupon for specific group


  •  3
    Ushus started the conversation

    In the site it is written that we can have set coupon for set of user or group. In demo it is not available. Below is the link https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/set-different-coupon-values-for-b2b-user-groups/

    I am unable to do the same in the demo site. 


    Could you give a bit more clarity on this. 

    What i am looking for is create a set of coupon that can be assess by top agent group with usage restriction of 10 times. Can this be done and if yes, how it can be done.

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    This is a feature of the B2BKing plugin, it can be viewed here in the B2BKing demo: https://demobk2.wpbay.co/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=shop_coupon

    This features sets a different coupon value for each B2B customer group.

    What i am looking for is create a set of coupon that can be assess by top agent group with usage restriction of 10 times. Can this be done and if yes, how it can be done.

    Do you mean to allow each agent to give a coupon when placing orders for customers?

    Agents can create coupons via their own agent dashboard:


  •  3
    Ushus replied

    Thanks for the reply