  Public Ticket #3490367
Free product with coupon code


  • Abdul started the conversation

    I added a coupon code with free product in our system. but when coupon is applied in b2b user role then price for free product is not 0. it is charging the price that is saved in b2b regular price field for b2b user. Can you please help me to fix this issue.

  • Abdul replied

    This is a production issue. Can someone please help in this regard?

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Abdul,

    This kind of issue can happen when there are multiple plugins trying to control the price of a product. In this case B2BKing is probably trying to set the regular price, whereas the coupon plugin is trying to set it to 0.

    We can check to see if we can make an integration there between the 2 plugins to resolve the conflict.

    For this, kindly please share your license key for the plugin with us, as we need that for support:

    - If you purchased on KingsPlugins.com - Where is my KingsPlugins license key? 

    - If you purchased on CodeCanyon (Envato/ThemeForest): Where is my Envato purchase code?

    Kind regards,
