  Public Ticket #3498490
HPOS (High-Performance Order Storage)


  •  4
    Javed started the conversation

    Greetings now woocommerce have implemented HPOS in there webstore so currently i am getting an error in my hosting that this plugin is incompatible with the marketing and deactivate it.

    Actual Error

    "This plugin is incompatible with the enabled WooCommerce feature 'High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)', it shouldn't be activated. Manage WooCommerce features"

    i have attached the error image below kindly take a look i have been informed that it is a new feature and has to be implmented by you so i am here reaching you regarding this matter



    Kindly update plugin along with this feature, so that it can be comptible with woocommerce.

    And i wanna thank you for adding advertisment plugin for marketking. i have few more suggestions if you have time to discuss.

    Thanking you,


    Attached files:  2023-10-14_122912.png

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Javed,

    Thank you for your feedback,

    We are familiar with this - we have already implemented HPOS for our other plugins, but it is especially difficult to implement for MarketKing (because MarketKing has a lot of order-related features and code, split-orders, composite orders etc), so we need more time for it. We are aiming to implement this until the end of this year.

    For now, we would advise to deactivate HPOS until this is ready.

    We would be happy to hear any other suggestions you might have - it's helpful to us in knowing in which direction to take the plugin forward,

    Kind regards,


  •   Javed replied privately
  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    I checked and for some reason the pages here were not set:


    I am not sure how this happened. I set them again to the vendors list and dashboard pages.

    I believe this is now working and I can access the stores page as well as individual stores.

    Are you still seeing any issue with any page? If so, please let me know which one.

    Kind regards,


  •  4
    Javed replied

    when you login to vendor dashboard check any tabs like messages or anything coupons, products, or any page look on the video i just added on below. i think the core plugin is not working with my setup at a moment.


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Got it, thanks for clarifying,

    It seems the issue was because of the index.php in the URL, which was conflicting with the dashboard's URL processing. I changed that in Permalinks settings:


    It seems to be working now for me:


  •   Javed replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •   Javed replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •   Javed replied privately
  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you, that worked.

    I believe the issue is resolved now - it had to do with a specific setting - I have modified that and will include a change in the next update so that this does not happen again,

    Let us know if you see any further issues,

    Kind regards,


  •  4
    Javed replied


    i just check the problem still persists there and now the widgets is also not working for profile, vendor badges, store tabs earlier it was working now page and widget is not working.

    i have attached a picture and video please take a look 

    Attached files:  vendor2.png

  •  4
    Javed replied

    Hello Stefen,

    i hope youre good but i think you missed my last message to you, its not working and it gets worse, cann you please tell me when it is going to be fixed. At leaset acknowledge my problem.

  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •   Javed replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •  4
    Javed replied

    widget for store tabs and badges is not showing 

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    The Store Tabs and Store Tabs Content widgets can only be used on the vendor's store page, such as:


    Store Tabs contains the link here:


    And Store Tabs Content contains the tabs inside such as:


    Regarding badges, I am able to see those:


  •  4
    Javed replied

    i checked apprently in one time it worked just like charm now when i use those tabs in widgets it send page into loops and causes crash. If you can fix this one also it would be great help and i will stop nagging you for more....

  •  4
    Javed replied

    i have just added custom tabs to obtain my goal if your store tabs is to be used from vendor store page, is there any way i can show more products from my tab to vendor product page

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    If you would like, it's possible to make the Related Products area on the product page only show products of the same vendor. That can be done by adding this snippet to the site:


    Other than that, I think the only options would be to add various product widgets.

  •  4
    Javed replied

    this didnt showed anything on product page


    Today i recieved an error 

    An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 4853 of the file /home/u120610844/domains/sellappa.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/marketking-multivendor-marketplace-for-woocommerce/includes/class-marketking-core.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function marketkingpro() in /home/u120610844/domains/sellappa.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/marketking-multivendor-marketplace-for-woocommerce/includes/class-marketking-core.php:4853
  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    I looked at that error and I believe I've found the issue.

    To solve it, please try to update to the attached version of the MarketKing Core plugin. 

    To update, first deactivate your existing version of MarketKing Core

    Then upload and activate the attached version.

    Attached files:  marketking-core-1803.zip

  •   Javed replied privately
  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Javed,

    The methods configured here in the backend are automatically / forced enabled for all vendors:


    They do not show on the vendor dashboard - however, they will be automatically enabled for all vendor orders. Here you should only add methods if you want to force all vendors to accept them.

    On the vendor dashboard, only the methods that the vendor configures themselves will show. The vendor can click on a zone, and then configure methods for it:


    After clicking on a zone, the vendor can use the "add shipping method" button:


    Kind regards,


  •  4
    Javed replied

    Bro Auction feature is not working and its not saving the bid details can you take a look and can you help me making this bell compatible with marketking

  •  4
    Javed replied


    i am reaching you regarding issue with auction button on single product page is not working for now i have tried from vendor dashboard apprently its not working with your plugin at a moment here is a video showing issue 

    Attached files:  Video_2023-11-18_132234.mp4

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Javed,

    I looked into this now.

    It seems an error occurs while the product is being saved. The error is from a conflict with the XStore Sales Booster "quantity discounts" feature - it tries to run a function while marketking is saving the product.

    If that checkbox / feature is disabled, the issue is resolved - I have now disabled it and I can save the product. I am not sure if this is a feature you are using (sales booster quantity discounts). If you are, we can try to make a special integration there to allow both to work together, please let me know.

    Regarding the bell icon there, I see that leads to a Notifications page.


    I see this is a feature of the "WooCommerce Live Notifications" plugin. It may be possible to extend their plugins to add MarketKing elements there, but complex custom coding would be required. 

    We can send you any technical info needed here for a customization from our side, but please note we do not do customizations or custom coding directly as we focus exclusively on developing our plugins,

    Kind regards,


  •   Javed replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •   Javed replied privately
  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi again,

    Thank you for the details,

    (1) Regarding the issue when clicking the + - buttons:

    It seems there is a JS error there on the page when trying to click:


    I believe it is most likely some kind of plugin conflict with another plugin that has scripts effects. I find online that it may be a jQuery version conflict.

    I tried deactivating MarketKing Core and Pro to check, but the issue still occurs therefore I believe this is not related to our plugins,

    I would suggest to try deactivating all other site plugins until you can identify the conflict.

    (2) Regarding the contact form, the problem is that it is the same form in two different places:


    Unfortunately the scripts were only built for the form to be once on the page.

    I can remove the 'product inquiry' area if you'd prefer it, or make one area scroll to the other.

    (3) I have made an integration to make it work with the Xstore quantity discounts feature.

  •  4
    Javed replied


    For + & - button its a theme issue i tried to contact them lets see where it goes, rest is fine for now. i will try something different to create author box via ACF and achieve it desired outcome from there.

  •   Javed replied privately
  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Javed,

    Thank you for your suggestions,

    (2) Regarding Private Store functionality, this is already possible through the integration between B2BKing and MarketKing: https://woocommerce-multivendor.com/docs/wholesale-b2b-b2bking-integration/

    Our B2BKing plugin is a dedicated B2B solution with probably the most advanced featureset on the market.

    Regarding a notification feature and additional dashboard functionality: we will consider this for future updates. We are working on improving the plugin, it is just a matter of priorities and trying to do the most important aspects first. We appreciate your feedback,

    Kind regards,


  •  4
    Javed replied

    i am glad you have added support for USPS API shipping but can you please add other too like fedex,UPS and DHL

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Javed,

    I would like to mention that UPS has also been integrated, specifically through this plugin: https://woo.com/products/ups-shipping-method/

    We will be looking into also adding FedEx and DHL, thank you for the feedback.

  •   Javed replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •   Javed replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •   Javed replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •   Javed replied privately
  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi again,

    I have written the following PHP code snippet that you can add to your site: https://pastecode.io/s/tas3idx7

    After adding that snippet, you can then use the following shortcodes:

    [marketking_store_link] - outputs the URL of the vendor's store (e.g. https://site.com/stores-list/walmart)

    [marketking_product_vendor] - outputs the name of the vendor's store (e.g. 'Walmart')

    [marketking_vendor_rating] - outputs the rating of the vendor's store (e.g. 5 stars)

    [marketking_followers] - outputs the number of followers of the vendor (e.g. 123)

    [marketking_vendor_order_number] - outputs the number of orders of the vendor (e.g. 456)

    These shortcodes work based on the current product OR current vendor store URL, so they can be added to a product page or a vendor store page.

    Regarding these 2 you mentioned:

    4. marketking()->get_vendor_products

    5. marketking()->get_vendors_of_order

    Here I am not quite sure about the usage:

    - Normally get_vendor_products returns all products of the vendor. What should the shortcode display? Should it display products as on the archive / shop page, e.g.?


    - And what should get_vendors_of_order display? This normally takes a multi-vendor order id (composite order with multiple vendors) and gets all vendors in that order. I am not sure where you would place this shortcode (on what page), and what it should display.

  •  4
    Javed replied

    Thanks a ton Stefan i am in your debt. 

    1. For the get vendor products i just wanna show other products of the listed products by the same vendor, in a slider or paginated manner.

    2. For the marketking()->get_vendors_of_order i wanted to show no. of products sold by the vendor but i think you already resolved it with this [marketking_vendor_order_number]  short code

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Javed,

    1. For the get vendor products i just wanna show other products of the listed products by the same vendor, in a slider or paginated manner.

    For this, I cannot write a shortcode to be added on the main vendor page, because the shortcode would not be able to know which other products have been displayed on the page already.

    It can be done only for the single product page.

    But in that case, we already have the 'related products' shortcode: [related_products] . Again, this is only for the single product page.

    If you'd like, you can make the related products shortcode / area only show products of the same vendor (And not other vendors as well). To do that, add this code snippet to your site:

    add_filter('woocommerce_related_products', 'marketking_related_products_same_vendor', 99999, 3);
    function marketking_related_products_same_vendor( $related_posts, $product_id, $args ){
        $vendor_id = marketking()->get_product_vendor($product_id);
        $vendor_products = wc_get_products( array( 
            'numberposts' => 10,
            'post_status'    => array( 'publish' ),
            'author'   => $vendor_id,
            'orderby' => 'rand',
            'order' => 'DESC',
            'return' => 'ids',
        return $vendor_products;

    It will modify all related products areas.