  Public Ticket #3515939
Redirect after vendor registration


  •  17
    Andrea started the conversation

    Hello! Is there a way to change the redirect URL after vendor registration?

    I want to redirect user to a custom page if he registered as vendor.

  •  2,131
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there!

    I can send you a code snippet for this.

    Are you using manual approval for vendors, or automatic approval?

    I ask because I think different code would be needed.

    Kind regards,


  •  17
    Andrea replied

    I am using manual approval. Thank you. Will wait for your code snippet.

  •  2,131
    WebWizards replied

    Great, you can use this code snippet then:

    add_filter('marketking_no_approval_redirect_url', function($url){
        return 'https://yoursite.com/linkurl';
    }, 10, 1);

    You'd just need to change the URL to your own.

  •   Andrea replied privately
  •  2,131
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Andrea,

    I was able to look into this now.

    I noticed that registering an account lead to the home page. This is unusual, because normally MarketKing leads to the "/my-account/?redir=1" link. This indicated to me it might be a plugin or theme conflict.

    I switched the theme to the Twenty twenty one theme and tested a registration. I then saw the normal link:


    Based on this, I believe there is some code in your theme that is forcing a Home page redirect, rather than our plugin's redirect (Which would also be why the redirect your custom page would not work).

    I investigated the functions.php file further and I found the code causing the issue:

    function afield_redirect_after_logout(){
      wp_safe_redirect( home_url() );

    Here's what happens: WooCommerce normally logs in a user after registering. In order for MarketKing to show the "thank you for registering...please wait to be approved" message, we need to technically log out the user - which is where the above code interferes and redirects to the home page.

    It would be needed to modify or remove that code.

    Kind regards,
