  Public Ticket #3518046
Make.com link


  • Rob started the conversation


    I would like to use the meta data from B2Bking to be fetched by the Make.com Woocommerce Orders or Customers option so I can forward that information to a Google Sheet file.

    The idea is to have a real-time list of customers that are or are not B2B approved, or when an order is placed I can see if the order was a B2Bking approved customer that ordered or not.

    I'm not that great with coding, so all help is welcome!

    Attached you can see what is fetched now.

    Attached files:  Schermafbeelding 2023-11-08 om 20.57.47.png

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Rob,

    Thank you for getting in touch,

    The information on whether a customer or an order is B2B or not is stored as meta data.

    Orders will have the following meta key: b2bking_is_b2b_order - this can have the values yes or no

    Similarly, customers have the user meta key: b2bking_b2buser - this can have the values yes or no

    In your screenshot, I see there's a meta data option at the very bottom - I think that may contain this information. I don't have specific experience with how this works on make.com but I think it should work to get that info via meta data (as long as they pull all data).

    Let me know if I can help with anything, or if you have any questions,

    Kind regards,


  • Rob replied

    Thank you very much!
    This has not worked for me so far. I am unsure if the B2B data is in the Meta Data, because it seems empty when I open the Meta fields.
    I have tried  different types of writing the code, but no success so far.

    All help is welcome!

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Rob,

    Which plugin are you using? B2BKing Core (free plugin), or the B2BKing Pro plugin?

    Please also let me know which version if possible, as it may make a difference.

    If using B2BKing Pro, kindly please provide us with your license key for the plugin as we need to add that to our database.

    To get your key:

    - If you purchased on KingsPlugins.com - Where is my KingsPlugins license key? 

    - If you purchased on CodeCanyon (Envato/ThemeForest): Where is my Envato purchase code?

    Is the meta data completely empty? are you looking at customer metadata, or also order metadata? both are empty?