  Public Ticket #3518559


  • Guillermo started the conversation

    Hola quiero comprar el complemento, pero quiero saber si existe la funcion que un usuario propio de la empresa, pueda realizar una compra para un cliente? y que le quede registrado al cliente la compra

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Guillermo,

    Thank you for getting in touch,

    There are 2 functionalities that may be able to help with this:

    (A) We have a sales agents plugin, SalesKing ( https://kingsplugins.com/woocommerce-b2b/salesking/ ), where each agent / sales rep can have an account and can place orders for their clients.

    This is basically for sales agents / sales reps that would be assigned to multiple companies to place orders for those companies, manage orders, assist them, etc.

    (B) In B2BKing, a company can have "employee accounts" = subaccounts: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/multiple-buyers-per-account-subaccounts/

    Each subaccount is basically part of the company and can place orders for that company.

    It's also possible to configure order approval so that the main account must approve subaccount orders first.

    Does any of this sound close to what you need?

    Kind regards,
