  Public Ticket #3519651
Shop engine permissions


  •  2
    Alexander started the conversation

    When the shop engine plugin is enabled, customers who are not administrators can't view the 'add to cart' button or access its function. I've checked the plugin settings, but I can't find any permission options within it. This issue only arises when the plugin is active. How can I resolve this? I'm willing to provide site access for review if needed. Thank you. Normal customers cant see the add to cart button and no products images are shown just the default woo images how would this happen

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Alexander,

    I'd be happy to assist.

    I just want to mention that ShopEngine is not our plugin so if the issue is strictly related to that plugin, it's probably best to contact their team directly,

    Regarding an issue with not seeing the add to cart button, I think it could potentially be related to our B2BKing plugin, which has features such as making products unpurchasable / hidden price rules which prevent products from being purchased or added to cart. 

    You could try to deactivate B2BKing / SalesKing and check whether that resolves the issue. If so, it's most likely related to "hidden price" or "un-purchasable" rules in B2BKing -> Dynamic Rules.

    Looking forward to your reply,

    Kind regards,
