  Public Ticket #3525023
Help with setup


  •  1
    Edi started the conversation

    Hello I have added [b2bking_bulkorder] on a page and its not displaying, what can be the issue?

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Edi,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin,

    Please note that B2BKing only adds B2B features such as the order form for B2B users, so they do not work for B2C users.

    To solve this, you can:

    (A) You could go to B2BKing -> Settings -> and set the plugin to "B2B Shop"


    That way, all users are considered B2B and have access to all features.

    (B) Another option is to go to each specific user on their user profile page and set the user to B2B:


    Let me know if I can help with anything, or if you have any questions,

    Kind regards,


  •  1
    Edi replied

    Oke, now it shows but second question is : its not working on mobile? how can we fix this?

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Edi,

    Can you give us more details about what you're seeing on mobile?

    I went to that link on a mobile device but I see the same form (not a shortcode). If you see a shortcode there, it's possible you're seeing a cache - please make sure to clear all site caches.

  •  1
    Edi replied

    it keeps loading and does nothing afterwards

    Attached files:  WhatsApp Image 2023-11-23 at 20.13.02.jpeg

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you for clarifying,

    I checked this on your site and I see there is a 403 (forbidden) error that prevents products from loading - it seems to also happen on desktop in my tests.


    In our experience usually this shows some kind of plugin conflict: possibly with a security plugin or another plugin that restricts user permissions and prevents access. We would suggest to try deactivating all other site plugins to see if that resolves it.

    We can look into this directly on your site if you would like. For that, we would need a backend login to the site, or a staging clone site. That would be the best way we can troubleshoot and get this resolved for you as fast as possible. 

    Kind regards,


  •   Edi replied privately
  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you for the login,

    I checked this now on the site but no longer seem to be seeing the issue. I wonder if maybe you made any site changes , plugin changes, etc.

    I seem to now be getting search results, including on mobile:


    Are you still seeing that issue?

    Please note that for logged out users, it does not return any results because this form only shows products that can be added to cart - the form is built to add items to cart. Since logged out users cannot add products to cart (they need to login to view prices), no results show here.

    For logged out users, if you'd like I could set up a message such as "Login to see the B2B Order form" instead of the form itself.

    Let me know your thoughts,

  •  1
    Edi replied

    its actually still not working, did check it on 3 devices

    and several browsers

    Attached files:  WhatsApp Image 2023-11-29 at 09.20.53.jpeg
      WhatsApp Image 2023-11-29 at 09.20.55.jpeg

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Are you testing as a logged out user? For logged out users it will always say "no products found" because this form only shows products which can be added to cart. The site is set so that logged out users cannot add products to cart, so no products show.

    I have edited the page to show different content for logged out users.


    Logged out users now see:


    As a logged in user I see:


  •  1
    Edi replied

    Perfect looks very good now!

  •  1
    Edi replied

    hey I need now help with the registration field; can you help me with that aswell please? I need the same registration field as the image attachment

    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 10.27.38.png

  •  1
    Edi replied

    nevermind I done that, my next question is can I translate the register/login text also the text under email address register it says a link to set a new ... I need to translate that and the text under choose a sales agent the text of your personal data will be used etc .. https://b2bfood.be/b2b-registreren/

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Edi,

    Normally it should be possible to translate all those through the Loco Translate plugin ( https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-translate-b2bking-to-any-language-localization/ )

    Some of the texts are part of WooCommerce, such as the text regarding a new link to set the password.

    To translate those, you would need to go to Loco Translate -> Plugins -> WooCommerce.

    Other texts like "Choose a sales agents" are part of SalesKing, so will be found in Loco -> Plugins -> SalesKing.

    The text regarding personal data, is found here in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Accounts & Privacy:


    You can change the texts here directly.

    Let me know if that works for you,

  •  1
    Edi replied

    wow this support is just top notch!! I really do appreciate the quick and fast help!

  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •  1
    Edi replied

    Will do!
    1more thing that is actually very important to us, can sales agent also approve a client? We need that because in our business the sales agent goes to a b2b client, she or he will register and the sales agent need to approve the application instantly

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Edi,

    There is currently no functionality for sales agents to view general site registration requests.

    It might help if you can give us more details about your situation,

    Would it work if the sales agent created the client account directly? it can certainly be made so that the sales agent directly registers accounts as B2B without need for other approval.

    Another thing that we can do with a code snippet is set it so that if a client registers using an agent's code, or agent's affiliate registration link (e.g.: the registration link from here


    ), then we can make such registrations automatically approved.

    Could any of that work for your usecase?

    Kind regards,


  •  1
    Edi replied

    hey! this option would be perfect

    Would it work if the sales agent created the client account directly? it can certainly be made so that the sales agent directly registers accounts as B2B without need for other approval.

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you for confirming that,

    I checked and I realise that currently that is the default behaviour when SalesKing agents create customers.

    Let me share an example of how this works:

    On my local test site I have 2 registration options:


    The B2B option requires approval and registers users into the "B2B Users" group.

    If an agent would like to create a B2B account directly, the agent can go to the agent dashboard -> My Customers and user the "+Add" button:


    This opens up a customer creation modal, where the agent can choose the customer's group:


    The agent can choose the B2B Users option and the customer will directly be added to that group, without needing any other approval.

  •  1
    Edi replied

    okey great! will do that :) maybe something diffrent is we have 3 options on our wordpress site


    it shows price per tray, layer but on pallet we need to add text request price is that possible?

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Edi,

    Do you mean to use B2BKing's quote request feature for that pallet variation, or just add the text "Request price" to it? ( by quote request feature I mean https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/quotes-on-specific-products/ )

    And would you want that to be for logged in users, logged out users, all?

  •  1
    Edi replied

    just text just add the text "Request price" to it?
    For all logged in users ;)

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    One way is to simply edit the attribute value here:


    Another option is to add this PHP code snippet to your site:

    add_action('wp_head', function(){
                    if (jQuery(this).text() === '1 pallet'){
                        jQuery(this).text('Request price: 1 pallet');

    It will make it look like this:


    This snippet replaces the text for every product that has "1 pallet". If you need it only for the coca cola product let me know and I will modify the snippet

    Kind regards,
