  Public Ticket #3525370
Compatibility with Video Conferencing with Zoom Plugin


  • Kevin Ku started the conversation

    (Im aware that this question was once asked by someone else in June, however, there wasn’t a clear response.)

    Does MarketKing integrate well with “Video Conferencing with Zoom”? They say they are compatible with Product Vendor, but I’m unsure about MarketKing. I’m looking to create a tutoring marketplace for myself, and purchasable zoom calls is a key feature I’m looking to implement. 


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Kevin,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin,

    I'm afraid there's no specific integration with that plugin yet, 

    I see that on their site they mention they are compatible only with Product Vendors and WCFM.

    We would like to add this kind of integration and/or work with that team to add support for MarketKing, but I don't believe this is something that is compatible right now with that plugin,

    Kind regards,
