  Public Ticket #3528687
A dilemma with dynamic rules when there are several to apply


  •  16
    Tallal started the conversation

    Hi estefan

    A dilemma with dynamic rules
    For black Friday I have a special discount to the whole store that applies to all rols except the Rol Distributor.
    And that one above works well.

    I made a 10% discount rule (R1) for the Distributor Role (in the For who: field I put the required role).

    But also:
    I have a customer "A" with the Role Distributor, who has a rule (R2) of permanent discount of 10%, and in dynamic rules and in the field For who: there is only the name of that user.

    The dilemma is.
    I have tried to change the Rule priority of each rule (R1 and R2) to see if only one applies to customer "A", without success, always apply both rules to customer "A".

    The question to the dilemma:
    There will be a way to do that, because there are customers who have permanent discounts, but there comes a time like blackFriday that you need to launch a temporary offer to all and you can not include customers with permanent discounts, because the product does not hold more reductions in its price.

    I think, 
    that when the dynamic rules are user specific and not group specific (like a whole role or roles), then, an option is placed so that no other rule can be applied if the user specific rules are applied.

    Thanks and best regards


  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Tallal,

    Now: I made a 10% discount rule (R1) for the Distributor Role (in the For who: field I put the required role).

    But also: I have a customer "A" with the Role Distributor, who has a rule (R2) of permanent discount of 10%, and in dynamic rules and in the field For who: there is only the name of that user.

    Are the 2 rules of different types: 1 rule applies as a sale price, and 1 rule applies in cart?

    Or are they the same type of rule? 

    If they are of different types, then there is currently no way to make one remove the other, because they are considered different by the plugin.

    It might help if you can share a screenshot of both rules.

    Kind regards,


  •  16
    Tallal replied

    Hi Stefan

    Both of the rules are the same type,  they applies on the cart as a discount on the subtotal of the cart. 

    Sorry Now I'm in my mobile and can't shared a screenshot, but I will later 



  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    If there are 2 rules of the same type (that apply in cart), normally the plugin will give the rule with the highest % discount, OR the rule with the highest priority, as long as both rules are equivalent (e.g. apply to cart total).

    It would never give both rules at the same time.

    For example if I have a rule for 10% on all users:


    and a rule for 10% for a specific user:


    Only one of the discounts is in cart:


    Please make sure both rules are set to the same "cart total", or the same category, etc.

  •  16
    Tallal replied

    Hi stefan

    Sorry, it was my mistake.

    The error was that I had two different types of "Applies to:" in the two dynamic rules, one was for "/all products" and the other rule applied to a single category.

    By putting the "Applies to:" equal in the rules, only a single discount line would be generated in the cart, which will be the one that is most beneficial for the user, or the one that had the highest Rule priority.

