  Public Ticket #3529799
Step Qty


  •  3
    Suleman started the conversation

    Can you add the Qty Rules Min/Max/step to the upload/download csv? Also, can you seperate the sku and product description in the csv?

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Suleman,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin,

    (1) Regarding separating SKU and Product Description in the CSV:

    I want to let you know that the SKU and product details are only there in order to help you identify each product and what it represents. They are not needed during import.

    During import you can simply enter the SKU or product ID directly.

    For example:

    During export I get:


    But to import, you can simply enter the product IDs:


    or only enter the SKUs:


    (2) Regarding QTY Rules min/max/step during the import process:

    This has not yet been added to our own importer - but we have built an integration with the WooCommerce importer for this.

    If you go to Products -> Import, 


    Then during the import process you can find these options under "Quantity Rules":


    This importer also supports B2B prices, so it can be used to import all data.

    Kind regards,


  •  3
    Suleman replied

    Noted, thank yo very much for the promt response.