  Public Ticket #3542650
Feature - Separate Terms and Conditions


  •  17
    Eric started the conversation

    Hi, I need to have separate terms and conditions regarding the group of the customer (one for B2B users, one for B2C / non-logged users) : looked for this feature in the doc but didn't find it : any suggestion ?

    Thanks by advance,



  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Eric,

    Do you have a Terms & Conditions page on your website?

    Then I would suggest the following approach: you could edit that page, and use the content restriction shortcode to set different text inside the page for B2B and B2C/logged out users. You can find more information here about the shortcode: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/shortcode-to-restrict-content-to-b2b-b2c-user-groups-specific-users/

    Basically, you could write it as follows inside the Terms and Conditions page:

    [b2bking_content show_to=b2b]Your B2B content here...[/b2bking_content]
    [b2bking_content show_to=b2c,loggedout]Your B2C/loggedout content here...[/b2bking_content]

    Let me know if that can help solve it,

    Kind regards,


  •  17
    Eric replied

    Hi Stefan good tip, I'll check and be back to you. Thanks !