  Public Ticket #3562569
Tiered Pricing: Show the Lowest price in the Category page


  •  8
    Julien started the conversation

    Currently, in the category view in the store ( https://staging-ce7f-bghalbmueller.wpcomstaging.com/product-category/pizzakartons/pizzakartons-mit-logo/pizzakartons-personalisiert/ ) The plugin both shows the lowest and the highest price, but since in my case low and high prices are very far apart ( 0,65 cent up to 50 Euro per piece) i would love to only show the possible "lowest price" only. 

    currently, the Plugin will show the price like "0,65€ - 50 €" but I, and i guess many others, would prefer an option to show it like "from 0,65 €" or like "starting at 0,65 €" (maybe let us choose a custom wording)
    Is it possible for you to add this? 

    thank you x1000! 

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Julien,

    While there's currently no feature for it, it can be achieved through this code snippet:

    add_filter('b2bking_tiered_range_show_min_from', function($text){
        return 'From';
    }, 10, 1);
    function iconic_format_price_range( $price, $from, $to ) {
        return 'From '.wc_price($from);
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_format_price_range', 'iconic_format_price_range', 10, 3 );
    add_filter( 'b2bking_tiered_range_show_min', '__return_true');

    I have added it to your staging site and I believe it's working:


    Let me know if you see any issues, or whether you need any adjustments,

    Kind regards,


  •  8
    Julien replied

    I now implemented everything in the live store ( https://shop.buongiusti.com ) and now the price dispaly will be changed to "From x €" but its not the lowes price shown. Its the price for the lowes quantity, what in my case is the highest price. 

    i guess that no logic must be implemented in terms of searching the lowest price, in my case the highest quantity is always the lowest price per piece

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    I believe you can achieve it as follows:

    1. Enable this setting:


    2. Add this CSS to the site:

        display:none !important;

    I tried to follow those steps on the staging site and tested with this product, which seems to work:


    For this to work, the regular price of variations ( https://prnt.sc/6aKF0NIleD4i ) should not be lower than the lowest tiered price.

    Let me know if that can solve it,