  Public Ticket #3572230
Checkout ''stripe split pay error''


  •  52
    Anthony O Connell started the conversation

    Hi guys.

    A client has tried to sign up as a vendor and they got the error ''Stripe Spilt Pay Error''

    I recreated this by signing up for an account myself and I encountered the same problem.

    I went through the registration process from start to finish and as I entered in all my details with bank details and hit ''sign up now'' I got the ''Stripe Spilt Pay Error'' and I was unable to go any further.

    This is confusing as the normal stripe gateway is supposed to handle subscriptions and the stripe split pay is supposed to handle product/service purchases and money been diverted to the service providers. 

    Please see screenshot of this error and here is Order #10715 who tried to make the purchase.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.



    Attached files:  Stripe spilt pay error.png

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Anthony,

    I tried testing this now with a new user,

    During checkout where you seeing the 'popular payment methods' option as I am here?


    I tried testing with a random card number and I get:


    Did you have to test with a real number to get to that error?

    I also tried checking out via IBAN but that worked normally and I did not see that error.

    Or did you make any changes in the meantime?

  •  52
    Anthony O Connell replied

    Hi guys.

    We made changes in the meantime.

    My developer applied code that when vendors go to subscribe that they can only see the popular payment methods and when customers go to purchase that they can only see the traditional card payment as this has the stripe connect feature.

    I still need help with giving vendors a different role than a customer role. You had said that vendors email is slightly changed when compared to when a customer signs up but I have tested it by creating a traditional customer account and they still get the same email