  Public Ticket #3584234
Generate Cart Links while shopping as customer


  •  10
    Justin started the conversation

    We really like the idea of the cart links but we have not used them because we are always shopping as the customer. Sometimes the customer doesn't always want to purchase right away but we've already built out the cart in their account. We could switch back and rebuild the cart all over again but it would be nice if there was a button on the cart page when a sales agent is logged in as a customer to save the cart. It would then show up in the agents cart links in their dashboard to send to the customer. Ideally, it would also show up in the customers my account page with saved carts and they could click and restore and checkout and the agent that built it would get the credit.

    A similar concept to this.


  •  2,315
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Justin,

    Thank you for your feedback on this,

    We will consider it for future updates. 

    It is in some ways similar to the Purchase Lists feature of B2BKing: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/purchase-lists-wish-lists-requisition-lists/ - this adds a "save as purchase list" button to the cart, which saves a list that can then be added to cart (or downloaded) by the customer from their my account page.

    Maybe we will add something similar to SalesKing,

    Kind regards,


  •  10
    Justin replied

    Thanks. Would normal customers be able use the list function with B2BKing or would they need to be a wholesale customer?

  •  2,315
    WebWizards replied

    If the plugin is set to "B2B Shop" mode ( https://prnt.sc/P6GEqnzSbmF9 ), then the feature would be available for all customers.

    If the plugin is set in "B2B & B2C hybrid" mode, then the feature would only be available to customers that are set as B2B.