  Public Ticket #3593058
Prices without Vat for B2B with Vat for B2C


  • Claudio started the conversation

    hi there!

    Recently I bought you fabulous Plugin and now im starting to configurate it.

    In the Woocommerce store of my customer all prices for B2C are inserted with Vat included and the WooCommerce ist configurated like that.

    For the B2B pricings i have the netto amounts without vat. How do i configurate that, that all inserted prices for B2B are without vat and the normal B2C ones are with vat included? 

    In your documentation i saw the option to show the ex vat for the pricings but in checkout the vat is deduced, which is wrong (because the entered prices are without the vat of course).

    Your help is highly appreciated!


    Attached files:  Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-26 um 15.27.07.png

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Claudio,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin,

    You may have already seen this but I'd just like to share our main documentation for this purpose:


    This basically shows how you can show prices for B2C inc VAT and B2B ex VAT, by configuring a Tax Exemption dynamic rule.

    These rules also have a 'pay tax in cart' parameter, through which you can control whether in cart / checkout, the tax is paid or not:


    Can this solve it for you?

    If you specifically need that in the backend your prices are entered inc vat for B2C and ex VAT for B2B, this can also be achieved with a code snippet, but that is a more unusual setup. In most cases, the dynamic rules for tax exemptions are sufficient.

    Looking forward to your reply,

    Kind regards,


  •  1
    Luciano replied

    i have the same problem like Claudio