  Public Ticket #3593492
b2b Bulk order


  •  3
    SOHEE started the conversation

    The bundle product does not appear to be a b2b price. I am currently using “Dynamic Rules” to provide discounts. Is there another way?

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Are you using a bundle product? If so, how is this bundle created, specifically what plugin are you using to create the bundle?

    It depends a lot on which plugin is used, as each one would be different. Generally such plugins can conflict in pricing with B2BKing, as these plugins have their own pricing code.

    Is there the possibility to use offers for these bundles instead? ( https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/offers-2/ ). 

    Looking forward to your reply,

    Kind regards,


  •  3
    SOHEE replied

    Since the price of the bundle was not entered, I used Dynamic Rules to create a rule.

    i used "Woo Product Bundles"

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    With the Woo Product Bundles plugin it should also be possible to enter a B2B price directly on the product.

    For that to work, the following PHP code snippet has to be added to the site:


    It may have to do with your specific configuration of the bundle and discount rules.

    We can check it directly on the site if you would like. For that, we would need a backend login to the site or a staging clone site,

    Kind regards,
