  Public Ticket #3593712
Mailchimp intergration


  •  50
    Anthony O Connell started the conversation

    Hi guys. 

    I have been trying to set up mailchimp with my website but I am having issues. I have 5 different types of vendor groups. These are as follows:

    1. Pending provider.
    2. Lite.
    3. Simple.
    4. Pro
    5. Teams.

    Mailchimp recognises the vendor groups but it is putting all vendors emails into every group. ( Please see mailchimp screenshot below) Is there a way this can be sorted? I would like to automate my email because at present it is a manual process as I am using the 'Announcements' to send vendors emails.

    Thank you.

    Attached files:  Mailchimp compiled emails.png

  •  2,281
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Anthony,

    MarketKing does not have any kind of integration with MailChimp I'm afraid. I see that you have some tags for each group there in your screenshot but I'm not sure exactly how those were added there, it wouldn't be a MarketKing feature.

    I am not sure whether MailChimp has a feature to segment emails by group. If it does, I think most likely this would have to be organized manually.

    Kind regards,


  •  50
    Anthony O Connell replied

    You see doing this manually is just a headache. When a vendor signs up to a plan, I need them to get a chain of emails. At present when they go to sign-up, they get 1 email after they fill in the 'Become a provider' form. Then they do not get anything else until I manually send them out a welcome email from the announcements. This is okay at present as I only have a few vendors but I am hoping to push my service now over the coming months and I will not have time to put vendors individually into certain tags as this will be very time consuming.

    For example, what I need is when a vendor signs us to the any of the plans, they will get a chain of emails. One is a welcome message. The second is giving them a bit of direction and a follow up email a week later. I can set journeys like this in mailchimp but its connecting at the start is the problem as mailchimp is pulling all emails and putting them into every tag. How can this be made easier?

  •  2,281
    WebWizards replied

    On the mailchimp side, I can't really say as I don't have much experience with their platform. It may be possible to achieve some kind of customization using their API - but something like this would probably have to be custom coded by a developer.

    If you have a way to trigger each email chain via PHP code, certainly, the code could be run differently depending on the vendor group. Each vendor's group can be obtained using:

    $vendor_group_id = get_user_meta($vendor_id,'marketking_group', true);

    However you may need to work with a developer with mailchimp experience to get the email chain side automated / integrated with the site.

  •  50
    Anthony O Connell replied


    I'll check into it.

    Thanks for your help.