  Public Ticket #3598965
add a phone field to the registration and allow customers to login with phone number


  • Rediet Tsigeberhan started the conversation


    I want to add an extra field(phone number) to the registration form of my woocommerce site and I want my customers to login using that phone number.

  •  1,885
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Rediet,

    I believe you are trying to add some kind of OTP / login by phone / SMS feature?

    B2BKing does not have any features for this I'm afraid.

    You may be able to use an OTP login plugin, such as for example Digits: https://codecanyon.net/item/digits-wordpress-mobile-number-signup-and-login/19801105

    Such a plugin would work for phone-login, but may not be able to connect to the registration. It might mean the phone has to be added AFTER the registration, but it depends on the specific of the OTP plugin.

    Kind regards,
