  Public Ticket #3600136
customising login/registration on restricted access


  •  1
    George started the conversation

    Is it possible to change/customize the login/registration page when selecting the "hide shop/products" visibility option?

    Would love to seperate the login and register and also load these headerless and footerless.

  •  1,885
    WebWizards replied

    Hi George,

    Generally we can make changes by applying group specific CSS: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/shortcode-to-restrict-content-to-b2b-b2c-user-groups-specific-users/#2-toc-title

    For example, we can use this to apply some CSS / styling for only logged out users.

    Can you send me a link to your page? I believe I can help hide the header / footer that way and send you the correct CSS. It may also be possible to separate login / register: do you mean separate those into multiple columns or how?

    Kind regards,
