  Public Ticket #3632273
dynamic rules


  • fabio started the conversation

    I have tried any dynamic rules but they are not applied. For example, the minimum order rule doesn't work

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Fabio,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin,

    I understand that none of the dynamic rules seem to have an effect? It's hard to say what that could be, but likely some kind of misconfiguration.

    A few things to check:

    -> Please make sure that rules have not been deactivated in B2BKing -> Settings -> Other -> Components

    -> Please make sure that if your rules are applied to groups such as B2B groups, the users you are testing with are indeed set as part of those groups.

    If you would like, we'd be glad to check this directly and review the issue. For that, we would need a backend login to the site, or to a staging clone site we can work on.

    Kind regards,


  • fabio replied

    Thanks for replying, I also urgently need to fix the problem for the customer. I checked the settings, but I can't find any flags to enable.

    as regards the groups, however, they are already correctly set.

    If you need it, I can activate an administrator user for you. Thank you

    Attached files:  impostazioni ‹ Frutta pura — WordPress.pdf

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you for the details,

    I cannot say what the issue is based on your settings unfortunately.

    If you can create an administrator account for us, that would be great and we can look into this directly. You can use our email at [email protected] for any account.

  • fabio replied

    thanks a lot ;-)

    Attached files:  Schermata 2024-04-22 alle 14.38.01.png

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you for the access details,

    I checked that now on the site for minimum order dynamic rules. There was an incompatibility due to the use of WooCommerce cart and checkout blocks (this is a newer WooCommerce cart / checkout type that is not yet compatible with all B2BKing options).

    I have now made an update to the B2BKing plugin that adds support for this rule and installed this on your site.

    I then tested as follows:

    - I created a min order $2000 dynamic rule:


    - On the cart / checkout, the user sees that now there as an error and cannot proceed with the order:


    Please let me know if you see any further issues or issues with any other dynamic rules.

    Kind regards,
