  Public Ticket #3637391
meta filed


  •  3
    Lucas started the conversation


    What is stored in user meta fileld

    meta:b2bking_custom_fields_string and


    I will be importing users from other b2b platform to b2b king and want to be sure that all fields are mapped correctly

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Lucas,

    The meta key 'b2bking_default_approval_manual' controls the default group the admin sees when going to the 'approval' panel for a user (when approving a pending user). It would not usually be something you would need to set when importing users, it would be irrelevant in most cases.

    The meta key 'b2bking_custom_fields_string' holds which custom B2BKing registration fields that user has submitted during registration. Similarly, it would be irrelevant in most cases, I do not think you would need to import this.

    Kind regards,
