  Public Ticket #3639890
Multiple Customer Group Custom Checkout & prices


  • Muhammad Talha started the conversation

    Hello Stefan, 

    Hope you are doing well. I have some question about the feature of b2bking,

    I am building a b2b Ecommerce website for toys, where I have multiple customer group, I wants to assign a Separate price to every Customer Group.

    Second Question is that, as per multiple Customer Group, I also want to show them custom checkout process like:

    During checkout have shipping method to have regular shipping for everyone but for default users they can have free shipping above $75 in spend. While wholesale or distributors don’t get free shipping but have the option to ship on account. They also have payment options like pay by po.

    Is that B2Bking offer ?



  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Muhammad,

    (1) If you create multiple groups in B2BKing -> Groups, you should then be able to simply set a price for each group when editing a product.


    (2) If you have a free shipping method, you can disable it for B2B, by going to B2BKing -> Groups -> Business Groups, for each group.

    I am not exactly sure here what ‘ship on account’ is / is this a shipping gateway? If this is a shipping option available at checkout, similarly you can control who to enable it for in B2BKing -> Groups.

    See: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-enable-disable-payment-and-shipping-methods-based-on-users-or-groups/

    Kind regards,
