  Public Ticket #3651148
Registration form not showing


  •  5
    Gilbert started the conversation

    Hi there, 

    On the Login/Registration page it's showing both possibilities. You can login or you can register.

    In the register part I can choose a role like B2B user, but choosing that it doesn't show the registration???

    What is going wrong? Hope you can help.

    Best Regards,


    Attached files:  Scherm­afbeelding 2024-05-20 om 14.49.36.png

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Gilbert,

    It would help a lot if you can share a link to that my account / registration page, so we can check it directly.

    A possibility is that perhaps you have created a new registration role, but the fields were not switched to that role. When going to the B2BKing -> Registration Fields page in the backend, you will see each field is attached to a registration role. If you hover over it, you can view a 'quick edit' button that you can use to set the role:


    Please make sure that your fields are set to your B2B role.

    Kind regards,


  •  5
    Gilbert replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Sorry for my late reply!!! That's exactly what happened. I created many new registration roles, but did not assign the form fields to the correct role. So glad it's SOLVED. Thanks!

    But when adjusting and creating new form fields, another problem arose. The TAX field [BTW] is not displayed if I choose to associate it with "TAX id" [see attached screenshot]. If I don't use that option, the TAX field is visible in the registration form. But if I use that options section, like other fields, is not visible in the form. Others are.

    Again, I hope you have a solution for this.

    Best regards,


    Attached files:  Registation Field TAX problem.png

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Gilbert,

    Glad to hear the previous issue was resolved,

    Regarding the BTW field, this field is connected to countries, so it only shows depending on the countries selected here: https://prnt.sc/MjUHrUh74BHF

    What this means is that you *must* have a Country (or Country+State) field in your registration form. The VAT field is initially hidden and only becomes visible after a customer chooses the country from the countries dropdown.

    If you only have 1 country or do not really want it in the registration form, we can help to hide the field with CSS or a script, but the Country field itself must exist in the registration.

    Kind regards,


  •  5
    Gilbert replied

    Hi Stefan,

    It works! I just didn't check what happend after choosing a country in the dropdown.

    Thanks again for the great support.

    Best regards,
