  Public Ticket #3657247
Prices with Vat for B2C and without Vat for B2B


  •  5
    Gilbert started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I know this is one of the most asked questions and I've read several in the Public Tickets Section, but I can't seem to get it right.

    In Woocommerce the prices are entered with Vat and the settings are configured so that B2C customers see the prices with Vat included. But the B2B customer should see prices without Vat until checkout.

    I've created a Dynamic Rule for TAX exemption, but still no luck. 

    Looking forward to you help.


    Best regards,


    Attached files:  Scherm­afbeelding 2024-05-29 om 18.04.01.png
      Scherm­afbeelding 2024-05-29 om 18.16.59.png

  •  2,114
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Gilbert,

    Based on your screenshots, I think the issue might be that the rule is only set to apply to customers with VIES-Validated VAT numbers.

    Because of that, several things need to be true for this to work for a customer:

    1) The VIES checkbox must be enabled for the VAT field in B2BKing -> Registration Fields -> VAT:


    2) It will only work for customers who have added and validated a real EU VAT number, it cannot be some sample or test number, or any number added previously which did not go through VIES validation.

    You can also simply just switch that to "requires: nothing" in the dynamic rule, which would remove these restrictions.

    Kind regards,


  •  5
    Gilbert replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Thanks again for your reply. 

    The VIES validation was already enabled. I was logged in as a B2B user with a valid VAT number. And it still didn't work.

    Then I went into my account settings and entered the VAT number again and voila, prices without VAT!!!

    I think it maybe had to do with the fact that I already registered with my VAT number before I set the settings in the "Billing options" section in the VAT Registration field. So the VAT number wasn't validated. With the validation disabled it previously didn't work, that's why I tried it being enabled. Again, think entering and validating my VAT number did the trick.

    Very pleased to see it work, even with the statement "excl. VAT" behind the price. 

    Once again I really appreciate the support.

    Best regards,


  •  2,114
    WebWizards replied

    Glad to hear that's working!

    I think it maybe had to do with the fact that I already registered with my VAT number before I set the settings in the "Billing options" section in the VAT Registration field. So the VAT number wasn't validated.

    That's certainly it!

    If there's anything else I can help with, please let me know.

    Also, if you have a minute, I would really appreciate it if you considered leaving a quick rating for the plugin - it's a big help to us.