  Public Ticket #3661879
Minimum Order Value exception


  • Rob started the conversation

    I want anĀ item 3210 to be excluded from the Minimum Order Value Rule so that customers can order item 3210 without having to reach the MOQ of 100,- minimum order value.
    Hope that makes sense!

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Rob,

    I believe you can use the following PHP code snippet for that:

    add_filter('b2bking_minmax_order_total_calculation_basis', function($value){
        $cart = WC()->cart->get_cart();
        $product_id_to_exclude = 1234;
        $has_another_item = false;
        foreach ($cart as $cart_item_key => $cart_item) {
            if ($cart_item['product_id'] == $product_id_to_exclude || $cart_item['variation_id'] == $product_id_to_exclude) {
                // this item
            } else {
                $has_another_item = true;
        if ( ! $has_another_item ){
            $value = 99999999;
        return $value;
    }, 10, 1);

    Replace 1234 with the ID of the product.

    It should allow ordering that product regardless of MOQ.

    Kind regards,
