  Public Ticket #3669110
completely separate B2B and B2C registration


  •  4
    Mārtiņš started the conversation


    Separating registering page doesnt work as intended. 

    Did the steps to separate the registering pages:

    1. Disabled dropdowns

    2. Selected page from dropdown



    1. Custom page shows registering form, but the B2b fields dont appear when b2b role is selected -> https://prnt.sc/Fx9y2Heo5B9t

    Fields are there, they just dont appear and form can be submited even without filling required fields. 

    This is default b2b role and b2b group register fields and are asigned to role. 

    2. Default Woo my-account link gets replaced with this custom register page link in all shop. Here is screen from hovering my-account icon in header -> https://prnt.sc/dlF053fX30tF

  •  4
    Mārtiņš replied

    Forgot to mention, i did test for theme/plugin conflict. Same issue. 

    For plugins i left only Polylang Pro, Polylang for Woo, Loco translate, Woocommerce plugins active

  •  4
    Mārtiņš replied

    Its been multiple days and i have no reply.. 

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Mārtiņš,

    Our apologies for any delay on this, we are seeing a very high volume of tickets at the moment,

    (1) Regarding the issue with fields not showing, I checked your screenshots and site and I believe the issue can be fixed as follows:

    -> Go to B2BKing -> Registration Roles -> and click on 'B2B (nepieciešams apstiprinājums)'.

    Here, please make sure to DISABLE this checkbox:


    I believe the checkbox is currently enabled, which makes B2BKing treat it as an option that cannot be selected (the purpose of this is to be used only for options like "– – – Select User Role – – –").

    (2) Regarding the issue where the default Woo my-account link gets replaced with the B2B Registracija page:

    To solve this, please go to B2BKing -> Settings -> Registration and set "Separate My Account page for B2B" to "Disabled":


    The settings here is only for the situation where you want to have 2 different My Account pages. We do not normally recommend that, it is only for niche cases.

    Please let me know if that can solve it for you, If you still have any issues, is it possible to share a backend login to the site or a staging clone site with us? I'd be happy to check these issues directly.

    Kind regards,
