  Public Ticket #3671427
Undefined array key "label"


  • Bert started the conversation

    Hi there,

    the message:

    Warning: Undefined array key "label" in/homepages/26/d963816289/htdocs/qo-neu/wp-content/plugins/shopengine/utils/helper.phpon line530

    is shown within the checkout. But it disappears when I disable the b2bKing Pro. I need both plugins. Any ideas what to do. Additionally I get a Server 500-message but no hint from the server-down-monitor and no entry in the error logs. Last but not least the installation is very slow at all. Can you help? I added a list of all plugins.
    Best wishes

    Attached files:  Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-21 um 15.38.03.png
      Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-21 um 15.38.19.png

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Bert,

    I'd be glad to assist,

    (1) Regarding this error: Warning: Undefined array key "label" in/homepages/26/d963816289/htdocs/qo-neu/wp-content/plugins/shopengine/utils/helper.phpon line530

    It seems like there is some kind of conflict there with a B2BKing checkout feature.

    I believe we can find a fix for it, we would like to troubleshoot the error further to understand where it comes from. Would it be possible to share a backend login to the site (or a staging clone site) with us, so we can investigate this in more detail?

    (2) Generally regarding speed, are you using the B2BKing visibility feature?

    If so, please try going to B2BKing -> Settings -> Other and enabling the 'Product Visibility Cache' setting - it can make a big difference.

    Also regarding a 500-error message, does that happen on a specific page, or in specific situations?

    Kind regards,


  • Bert replied

    Hi Stefan,

    sorry for the late answer. But I did not recognized, you answered. The Backend credentials are:

    Host: neu.quantumoptik.de/wp-admin
    User: sab2b
    Password: ^9Y%*Uw2Ym8r6w)1F8eG(UHo

    In the meanwhile I moved the installation to another server and the problems with the speed reduced itself. Also the server 500 disappeared completely, but the warning

    Warning: Undefined array key "label" in/var/www/clients/client66/web301/web/qo-neu/wp-content/plugins/shopengine/utils/helper.phpon line530

    is still shown.

    Thanks for your help
    Best wishes

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi again,

    Thank you for the access details,

    (1) I reviewed the respective line of code that is showing that error: https://www.loom.com/i/1efe327f65854523b41b50d077d31c32

    My understanding is that the shopengine plugin is going through checkout fields and expecting certain values. B2BKing adds some hidden checkout fields that do not have a 'label', so that results in an error in the other plugin.

    I believe this does not have any negative effects on functionality. The other plugin could add a small check there to prevent the error (for that, kindly please contact the shopengine team), but in any case I do not believe it has any actual effects technically. 

    (2) Regarding the way this displays during checkout:


    The problem here is that the site has "debug display mode" enabled - which is why that error shows that way to customers. This mode should only be used while the site is in development, it should not be enabled on a live production site.

    I have disabled it on the site, by editing wp-config.php. I took a quick video of what I did: https://www.loom.com/share/0ea84f4ec5774a5eaed194dee140a9f1?sid=311fa787-a1bd-4ff4-adf1-2365b8e2a747

    Kind regards,
