  Public Ticket #3680006
B2B Catalog Page and Featured Products


  • Volodymyr started the conversation

    Hello! I need your help. Tell me how to make a separate page for B2B clients in the form of a catalog and display only the products that need to be displayed.

    We have a B2C site, and for B2B we want to separately display the product catalog. A simple catalog page.

    And how can I select the products I want to display for B2B.

    I read your documentation, but I probably didn't understand something.

    It would be great if you added the function of displaying the product for B2B in the admin panel on the product card.

    Since the general function of Product Visibility seemed complicated to me. I clicked on the functions and accidentally hid all the products from B2C clients. Although I was looking for an opportunity to select the products for B2B clients that need to be displayed to them.

    I found your plugin better than Barn2 and https://wholesalesuiteplugin.com/

    but when I bought it and started studying it, it seems more complicated to me. Therefore, if your module can be visual for B2B clients to have such pages, catalogs, forms, then tell me how to do it?

    I am also interested in how I can make my own access for each B2B client separately and show each B2B client separately exactly those products that are needed and at individual prices?

    I don't want the B2C client to see the differences if the site remained B2C, but it is important to me that the B2B client gets his own catalog page for choosing products.

    I would be grateful for your help.

  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Volodymyr,

    I'd be glad to assist,

    I think there are 2 main things to consider here:

    (A) In general, if you're looking to set that B2B and B2C users have access to different products, this can be achieved through the product visibility module. This module will completely restrict who can access what products, so for example a B2C user will not be able to view a B2B product even if they go to the direct URL of the page.

    To set up this module, I would suggest to follow our guide here: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/faq-product-visibility-is-not-working-how-to-set-up-product-visibility/.

    You mentioned that you accidentally hid items for B2C clients. This can be solved by following step 1.5) in the above guide. 

    This method affects all pages. It does not create a different catalog page for B2B and B2C users. Instead, B2B and B2C users can go to the same catalog / shop page / category page etc, but they will see completely different products there, depending on which items have visibility enabled.

    (B) If you want not necessarily to have different products, but more to create a visual effect where for example you have special pages or special text / content for B2B users, there are some different features in B2BKing for this.

    One is to use the content shortcode of the plugin, which allows you to show different content to different users on the same page.

    Example 1

    [b2bking_content show_to=b2b]Welcome to your exclusive B2B area:[/b2bking_content]

    [b2bking_content show_to=b2c,loggedout]This area is only available for approved B2B users. Please sign up to gain access![/b2bking_content]

    By adding the above to a page, B2C and B2B users will see different things on the same page. You can use this to create a special area, or to display certain messages only for B2B users.

    Example 2

    [b2bking_content show_to=b2b]View exclusive wholesale products below:[/b2bking_content]

    [b2bking_content show_to=b2b][products category=wholesale][/b2bking_content]

    [b2bking_content show_to=b2c, loggedout]Please sign up as B2B to view exclusive B2B products.[/b2bking_content]

    In the above example, we are displaying a message and the category named "wholesale", only to B2B users (assuming such a category exists on your site).

    Kind regards,
