  Public Ticket #3681061


  • rahib started the conversation

    can you make this option like ,,,,  vendor can send message his existing customer ?

    i seems that ,,,, when customer face any issue he must infome that market admin ,,,,, then admin contact with seller to fixed this issue ,,,, i think its not good idea .... can you do something 

  •  2,331
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Rahib,

    Thank you for getting in touch,

    At the moment, vendor and customer can message with each other, but only the customer can initiate the conversation. Originally we thought this would be the best approach to prevent sellers spamming customers, but certainly, I see your point.

    We will look at adding the option for seller to initiate as well in future versions. Thank you for the feedback,

    Kind regards,


  • rahib replied

    brother . i understand your point of view but ,,, for example a vendor selling digital key like Microsoft office active key how he send this key .... 

    my 2nd qus ; can you help me to hide vendor  details ... im using demo version to understand yours theme ... 

    Attached files:  Vendor-Dashboard.png

  •  2,331
    WebWizards replied

    Thanks for your feedback,

    (1) For this, the vendor can add a note to the order:


    If we add:


    This will send an email to the customer:


    and the customer can also view it under My Account -> Orders -> View Order.

    my 2nd qus ; can you help me to hide vendor  details ... im using demo version to understand yours theme ... 

    You can hide the vendor email and phone from the frontend using this snippet:

  •   rahib replied privately
  • rahib replied

    its not working sir , updated     ; its working

  • rahib replied

    hello sir ?

  •  2,331
    WebWizards replied

    Hi again,

    We would be glad to assist,

    From your screenshot here I understand that you are using the Pro version of the plugin, as I see you have the Pro options such as Reviews, Refunds, Docs, etc.


    For support for the MarketKing Pro version, we need an active license code for the plugin. Kindly please share that with us here, or your purchase email.

    To get your key:

    - If you purchased on KingsPlugins.com - Where is my KingsPlugins license key? 

    - If you purchased on CodeCanyon (Envato/ThemeForest): Where is my Envato purchase code?

    Looking forward to your response,

    Kind regards,


  • rahib replied

    i deactivated  my key ,,,, because ,, when i purchase key i face lots of issue ,,, im gonna buy this key again within 2/3 day ... please  help me ...

    my qus is ....

    Vendor Can be change order status multiple times , its not good sign ,,, 

     can you fixed that ... 

    for example when A vendor shipped any item ( when he clicked completed ) i want he cant change it again ...

    2nd Qus  ;  Can you add option for me ( is it possible ) to add a dispute option ... like if any vendor deliver defects item ,  customer can open dispute in order page ... and  vendor payment gonna hold until he fixed this ...

  •  2,331
    WebWizards replied

    (1) You can control which statuses are modifiable by vendors, with this code snippet:

    add_filter('marketking_modifiable_statuses', function($status){
        return array('processing', 'on-hold'); // set modifiable statuses here
    }, 10, 1);

    (this means that if the "completed" status is not modifiable, the vendor cannot change from completed to something else)

    (2) There is currently no feature in the plugin for disputes. In this case the customer would either have to open a refund request, or to contact the site admin to mediate.

  • rahib replied

    my last question  ; im facing a issue after sell credit not available and showing total balance ..

    2nd qus ; how i setup Automatic Payment .example ;  i want  when a vendor sell a item ( his Payment Hold money 7 day in our server ) then after 7 day our server automatically released money ( and credit vendor dashboard)

    Attached files:  Vendor-Dashboard (1).png

  • rahib replied

    can you help me sir

  •  2,331
    WebWizards replied

    my last question  ; im facing a issue after sell credit not available and showing total balance ..

    I believe here you have a problem with your commission settings. Please note that the commission in MarketKing -> Commission Rules is by default the ADMIN commission (so if you set 100% commission, it means the vendor receives 0).

    You can enable: "rules set vendor commission":


    2nd qus ; how i setup Automatic Payment .example ;  i want  when a vendor sell a item ( his Payment Hold money 7 day in our server ) then after 7 day our server automatically released money ( and credit vendor dashboard)

    Currently there is no feature for this I'm afraid. This works based on the "completed" status of the order. When the order is completed, the payment is released to the vendor.

  • rahib replied

    Can you customized some features according my Requirements . I'll pay You extra ? 

  •  2,331
    WebWizards replied

    Regarding customizations, we appreciate your consideration, but I'm afraid we're not available for customization or custom projects, not even paid work. 

    We have a high workload with our existing plugins, so it's just not feasible for us at the moment.

    We would suggest to look at getting a quote from a dedicated customizations firm such as https://codeable.io or https://wpkraken.io