  Public Ticket #3681228
b2b king message


  •  4
    Javed started the conversation

    Hello Stefen is there any method i can get b2b and marketking messages in place it would be a better option to get b2b and b2c messages and marketking messages in one place instead of separate..... 

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Javed,

    I definitely see what you mean there, and this is something we would like to do in the future to have an integration between them and use only 1 panel.

    At the moment what we can do is to disable one option or the other completely.

    I think the main issue here is the quote requests because only the B2BKing panel can respond to quote requests / make an offer. I am not sure if this is something that you need on the site. If not, the easiest approach is to disable the B2BKing messages.

  •  4
    Javed replied

    I came across into one thing on the issue with marketking in which in returns and refunds there is no option for exchange or RMA option which is a msut to have feature in a process, there we can only either accept the return and deny it...

    i would urge you to add this must have feature on marketking.

    For messages and quotes and offers should have addon feature on marketking to accept and process it as a order.

    There should be a proper flow of process for eg. Buyer wants to request a quote for a product and seller confirms to sell on the quoted price should be allowed and shown in vendor dashboard if you can introduce this feature in marketking along with b2bking would be nicer. it suppose to be a marketking feature instead of b2bking feature.

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Javed,

    Thank you for your feedback on this,

    I see your point and it could definitely make sense to have a exchange / RMA feature for many marketplaces - we are looking to add that as a future module.

    Regarding the quote flow, is the idea to simply click "accept" instead of adding the offer to cart and checking out? I suppose that can be a step simpler, appreciate the feedback,

    Kind regards,


  •   Javed replied privately
  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Javed,

    For subscriptions, do you need vendors to sell their own subscriptions to customers? If so, I'm sorry to say, but Woo Subscription is the only one supported right now.

    Or do you need to sell subscriptions to vendors (e.g. $49/mo so they can post their products on your marketplace)? If so, you can also use YITH Subscriptions, Sumo Subscriptions.

  •   Javed replied privately
  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Javed,

    We are aware of that plugin and we have considered a similar option for MarketKing. This is something we are interested in for the future, but it's not something I could add now quickly.


    I believe the best option available is to achieve it with htaccess URL rewrite rules. I believe it is possible to basically configure "virtual subdomains" so that vendor1.site.com actually shows the content of site.com/stores-list/vendor1.

    I asked AI and it suggests it's possible via htaccess mod_rewrite rules:



    This a bit beyond my expertise and I wouldn't be able to give very specific info, but I would suggest to discuss that with your developer or hosting to see if they can help to set up something like that.


    Kind regards,


  •  4
    Javed replied

    What is sales king is basically for can you explain if it is similar to affliate only or os there any variations with sales king 

    Can you give a special merry christmas discount for sales king for me ??

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Javed,

    Since you are an existing customers, we'd be glad to offer a 20% extra discount on top of current prices, for any SalesKing price option.

    In that case, please just let me know which option you would be interested in (Annual or Lifetime, and 1, 3 or Unlimited sites) from here https://kingsplugins.com/woocommerce-b2b/salesking/pricing/#div_block-10-84

    and I will then go ahead and create / send you a special coupon for that.


    SalesKing is a mixed plugin with both sales reps and affiliate features. It is primarily built for sales agents, so agents can have a relationship with each customer, place orders on behalf of them, send them coupons, etc. It is designed to help you manage a sales team that keeps in touch with B2B Customers and also helps drive sales.


    Kind regards,
