  Public Ticket #3685375
How to cancel confirmation of new registrations if B2C client?


  • Volodymyr started the conversation

    Hello! We are just studying your module and have already noticed that new B2C client registrations need to be confirmed, which is very inconvenient. Since these are regular clients. How can we cancel registration confirmation for B2C and leave confirmation only for B2B clients?

    I see the setting Manual Approval for All, but I don't see to leave confirmation only for B2B client.

    I want to leave manual confirmation only for B2B clients, and for B2C confirmation is not needed


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Volodymyr,

    To set up manual confirmation only for B2B clients, please configure the following:

    (1) Disable the setting "Manual Approval for All".

    (2) In B2BKing -> Registration Roles, approval can then be configured for each role:


    If you click on each role, you can then change it here:


    This way you can disable it for the B2C role, but enable it for the B2B role.

    Kind regards,


  • Volodymyr replied

    Thanks for the answer.

    I have another question. I didn't quite understand how to make different prices and conditions for each client in one group for B2B registration so as not to increase the options for registration. How to do this? Sorry, but the documentation is not clear to me


  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Regarding B2B registration and subsequent prices / conditions:

    The way this would normally work is that you can create many different groups in B2BKing -> Groups -> Business Groups. For example you can create 3 groups such as: "Small Business", "Large Business", "VIP".

    When a customer registers and needs approval, you can choose a group for them here when you approve them:


    So the customer has only 1 registration option, "B2B", but when you approve them, you choose which group you add them to (the customer does not know their group).

    Then for each group you can set different prices and conditions and control things this way.

    If it helps, we also have a documentation article here that gives more details about the difference between registration roles and groups: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/difference-between-registration-roles-and-groups/ - basically the registration options (roles) are what the customer sees, but in the backend you can privately assign them to many different groups (with different prices) depending on your internal criteria.