  Public Ticket #3698833
Editing Vendor Dashboard "Profile Settings" makes 2nd level menu of "Settings" disappear


  •  6
    Miriam started the conversation


    I am trying to remove the "show email/phone on shop page" toggles within the profile settings. I have created a "marketking" folder as a direct subfolder of my wordpress child theme and removed the php code enabling the two toggle elements. Now the elements do not show but also the 2nd level menu of "Settings" is no longer visible. When clicking on "Settings" within the vendor dashboard the profile settings open up directly and the 2nd lvl menu (with shipping, support...) is missing completely. 

    That's the php I removed:

    if (apply_filters('marketking_show_email_phone_vendor_profile', true)){

    <div class="custom-control custom-switch mr-n2">

    <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" <?php

    $check = get_user_meta($user_id,'marketking_show_store_email', true);
    ?> name="showemail" id="showemail">
    <label class="custom-control-label" for="showemail"><?php esc_html_e('Show email on store page','marketking-multivendor-marketplace-for-woocommerce');?></label>

    if (apply_filters('marketking_show_email_phone_vendor_profile', true)){
    <div class="custom-control custom-switch mr-n2">
    <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" <?php
    $check = get_user_meta($user_id,'marketking_show_store_phone', true);
    ?> name="showphone" id="showphone">
    <label class="custom-control-label" for="showphone"><?php esc_html_e('Show phone on store page','marketking-multivendor-marketplace-for-woocommerce');?></label>

    I tried to copy other php files responsible for dashboard setup (marketking-dashboard.php...) to the child theme / marketking folder and what happens is that now the 1st lvl menu is gone as well and when entering the vendor dashboard, only the profil settings are displayed fullscreen.


    I also need to disable the "Support" menu item in the 2nd level menu of "Settings" – even though I have disabled all toggles regarding shop support / product inquires, this menu item still shows up for the vendor. I would usually just do it within the php file, but I need to get the above problem solved to do this :)


    And I also tried to add a custom taxonomy to the "edit product" page following the instructions in the marketking documentation, but using the code provided there (and replacing brand/brands with my taxonomy) is not working. Basically nothing shows up after the "product tag" option when editing a product. This issue is not urgent but I will need it sometime soon, so I would like to know if there's anything that I did wrong or just overlooked.

    add_action('marketking_edit_product_after_tags', function($post){
    if (isset($post->ID)){
    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-xxl-3 col-md-6 marketking_card_gal_cat_tags">
    <div class="->span class="hljs-title">block marketking_cattag_card">
    <h6 class="overline-title title">
    <?php esc_html_e('Brands','marketking-multivendor-marketplace-for-woocommerce');?>
    <div class="form-group">
    <div class="form-control-wrap">
    $selected_brands = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, 'brand', array('fields' => 'ids', 'hide_empty' => false));
    $brand_args = array(
    'taxonomy' => 'brand',
    'name' => 'marketking_select_brand',
    'class' => 'form-select',
    'orderby' => 'name',
    'title_li' => '',
    'multiple' => 'multiple',
    'hide_empty' => false,
    'selected' => implode(',',$selected_brands),
    }, 10, 1);

    // save taxonomy
    add_action('marketking_after_save_product', function($product_id, $vendor_id){ // Save "brand" taxonomy $brand_values = isset($_POST['marketking_select_brand']) ? $_POST['marketking_select_brand'] : array(); foreach ($brand_values as $index => $val){ $brand_values[$index] = intval($val); // transform to INT } wp_set_object_terms( $product_id, $brand_values, 'brand' );

    }, 10, 2);

    So all the strong words I replaced with my custom taxonomy I created before adding the php to my functions.php – any tips would be helpful.


    Let me know if you need login credentials (website is still in coming soon mode).


  •  2,320
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Miriam,

    Glad to assist with these,

    (1) To remove the show email and phone toggles:


    Please add this PHP code snippet to your site:


    Your solution to edit the .php template can also work, but it is more complex and it seems like it has created some other issues. I think it is better to just revert to the default template, and simply add the snippet above.


    "I also need to disable the "Support" menu item in the 2nd level menu of "Settings" –"

    To remove this menu item, and generally control which menu items show on the MarketKing vendor dashboard, the best way is in MarketKing -> Vendor Groups, clicking on each group.

    You will see a checkbox for each menu item there:


    You can simply disable the support one to remove it.

    (3) Regarding the taxonomy not showing, I am not really sure what is happening there. Even if there was an error there, at least the title should show:


    If you can share a backend access to that site / staging site, that would be great and I'd be happy to troubleshoot this directly.

    Kind regards,


  •  6
    Miriam replied

    Thank you!

    The PHP snipped worked perfectly; I also tried it with "add filter..." before but I didn't get the filter wording right..

    Regarding the vendor group settings – I honestly completely overlooked those; I have not been in the group settings once I guess :/ thank you for pointing it out!!

    I will try again with the taxonomy and if I don't get it to work, I'll get back to you :)