  Public Ticket #3715128
Shop as customer


  • Brook started the conversation

    We are interested in using your plug in. We have 4 customer service people that at times need to place an order for a customer. We don't have assigned accounts we are all a team. I would like multiple employees to have the viability to shop for any customer that calls our office. Is that an option?

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Brook,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us,

    There is a setting in the plugin which allows all agents to view, and place orders for all customers.

    This can be enabled by going to SalesKing -> Settings -> Agent Capabilities and enabling the setting "All agents can manage / shop for all customers": https://prnt.sc/FcnKjz8CCQez

    If there's any commission , it would usually be assigned to the agent that placed the order.

    Let me know if I can help with anything, or if you have any questions,

    Kind regards,
