  Public Ticket #3733597
How to hide in dashboard one of menu element for specific user role


  •  2
    Lukasz started the conversation

    Hi i have sales agents and some of them has second user role "can-have-subagents" and I want to show the "Subagents" menu will be shown only for sales agent have "can-have-subagents" user role.

    Could You help me please ?

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hi Lukasz,

    I believe that you're referring to the "My Team" tab / menu item on the agent dashboard, is that right?


    I believe you can achieve it, by adding this PHP snippet to your site:

    add_filter('salesking_dashboard_menu_items', function($menu) {
        $user = wp_get_current_user();
        if ( ! in_array('can-have-subagents', (array) $user->roles)) {
        return $menu;
    }, 10, 1);
    add_filter('option_salesking_enable_teams_setting', function($val){
    	$user = wp_get_current_user();
    	if ( ! in_array('can-have-subagents', (array) $user->roles)) {
    	    $val = 0;
    	return $val;
    }, 10, 1);


    It should remove 'My Team' for any users that do not have that role.


    Let me know if that can solve it for you,

    Kind regards,


  •  2
    Lukasz replied

    Hi, this snippet (is is active) it's turned off 'TEAM" in plugin settings and no-one can see "my team menu tab: can You help me with it ? 

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Ah, my mistake, there was an issue in the snippet. I corrected it and tested it now on my local site - it seems to work in my tests and I can see the Team area correctly in the backend.

    New version:

    add_filter('salesking_dashboard_menu_items', function($menu) {
        $user = wp_get_current_user();
        if ( ! in_array('customer', (array) $user->roles)) {
        return $menu;
    }, 10, 1);
    add_filter('option_salesking_enable_teams_setting', function($val){
    	if (is_admin()){
    		return $val;
    	$user = wp_get_current_user();
    	if ( ! in_array('customer', (array) $user->roles)) {
    	    $val = 0;
    	return $val;
    }, 10, 1);


    I also see My Team in the agent dashboard.

    Here for this to work, it's important that the slug of the role is "can-have-subagents". My concern is that it could be something else like "wp-role-can-have-subagents", or "can_have_subagents" with underscors, etc.

    One way to check the role slug is to go to the Users page and right click -> inspect the roles dropdown, looking at the option values:


    (for example here we have a role named Wholesale, but its slug is 'b2bking_role_1881").


    Let me know if it works for you now,