  Public Ticket #3749481
Issue with Quick Order Form - Products with 0.00 Price Not Showing


  •  1
    Jaz started the conversation


    I am experiencing an issue with the Quick Order form where products that have a price set to 0.00 are not showing up. Is there a reason why this is happening? How can I fix this so that products with a price of 0.00 will be displayed on my website? Any workaround?

    Thank you for your help.

    Attached files:  price-zero.jpg

  •  2,281
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    It would be very helpful if you could please provide some details to make sure I understand this correctly:

    -> What is the goal you are looking to achieve by setting the price to 0 for the group? Is the idea that you actually want the products to be free for B2B users? but do they have a price for B2C?

    -> Or are you trying to perhaps prevent the products from being purchased / hide the products?


    Kind regards,


  •  1
    Jaz replied


    The cost is handled elsewhere, and we don’t want these prices to affect our accounting since it's integrated with QuickBooks Online (QBO). However, I’ve noticed that if a price isn't greater than 0, the product doesn’t display in the quick order form. Is there a way to modify this behavior so that products will still display, even if the price is zero?

  •  2,281
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you for clarifying,

    I believe you can then show all products, including products with price 0, by adding this PHP snippet to your site:



    This can be added to functions.php or any snippets plugin. Let me know if that can solve it for you,



  •  1
    Jaz replied

    Will this filter also display products from other clients? I have set a rule to display products only for a specific client accordingly.

  •  2,281
    WebWizards replied

    This should not interfere with product visibility - product visibility rules will still work correctly.

    This code snippet only makes it so that products with price 0 + out of stock products are still displayed (whereas otherwise they're normally hidden).